Chapter 4

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They are standing in the kitchen, starting to cook dinner, when Charlotte finally asks:" Mia?" "Yes, sweetheart?" " What are we?" Mia stops chopping the catrot in front of her, turning to the women beside her, who also had stopped what she was doing, and is watching her, waiting for her reaction. Mia sighs and cleans her hands on a towel beside her, before taking Chars hands into hers, rubbing small circels with her thumbs on the back of her hands. "What do you want us to be, Char?" " You can't answer a question with a question, Mia!" "Alright, alright sorry darling. Well I told you I don't deserve to have you, so I spent months working on myself, and talking with some therapists working through some things, and learning better coping mechanisms, so we got that checked. Hm... what else? Oh, yes you said i can't have you because of your husband...but...since he isn't in the picture anymore i guess that problem is gone too, so I would say that means you are free to be taken by me. The only question left is, do you want to be?" "Want to be what? Please, I need to hear it" "You are lucky I like you. Charlotte, will you be my girlfriend?" Mia says rolling her eyes a little bit but still smiling nonetheless. "YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES". Char exclaimes, as she tackels Mia into a bone crushing hug before pulling her into a deep kiss, food completly forgoten as they stumble into the bedroom.

A few hours later they are together on the couch. Mia laying with her head on Chars lap, while Char gently combs through her hair. "I think I want to talk now" Mia says with her eyes closed. Char stops her hand for a second before continuing, and humming lightly to let her girfriend know she is listening. "I told you I was following a promising lead to my dad, and I was right. I... well I found him but..." Mia stops for a second and Char starts to rub up and down her side to help her calm down a little bit. After a few seconds she continues" When I got into the town he was living in, and startet asking questions I found out that he had been living there for some time with a woman, yes the siblings mom, and living a good life actually, after what the people told me they were happy. Anyway. I asked where they lived and well unfortunalty there had been an accident a few weeks before I came, some kid ran into traffic someone had to serve to avoid hitting it and crashed into my dad's car. He was driving home from work and died on impact. The child and the other driver were okay. His wife, the siblings mom, couldn't stay in that house any longer and left right after his funeral. Their neighbors had some of his stuff and he had told them to give them to the person that came searching for him well not him but his Testament. He knew i would come someday. There were photo albums, some of his personal stuff and a letter with my name on it. In it he told me how sorry he was but he met his true love and how he hopes I can forgive him on day, when I find my own true love. When I know this feeling of not being able to be away from one person for long, be finally at home. I wish I could tell him that I already found that person and that I forgive him. Well I did tell him that as I visited his grave but I doubt he heard me." A watery chuckle escapes the redhead as she finally breaks, letting out years of pent up sadness and anger as she cries in Charlottes arms, while char just holds her close, knowing she needs to let everything out right now, knowing she will feel lighter after.

After hours of crying Mia falls asleep in Charlottes arms, completely exaustet, mentally and physically. Char was happy to hold her for as long as she needs her to. She kisses her tempel before wispering into her ear knowing that Mia can't hear her right know: "I love you Amelia Roberts, so much you are my home too and i will be by your side for as long as you want me."
Alrighty that was a bit heavier. I hope you liked it. The next chapter will have another soft moment between the two of them before the talk with Marj, Reece and Aut.😬

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