Chapter 10

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The drive to Marjories place is filled with a tense silence. Char can see that her girlfriend is nervous. Knowing it's only around her that Mia lets her guard and walls down, being an open book for her.
She puts her hand on Mia's thigh. Squeezing it to let her now she is there, and it is going to be okay.
Mia looks over to her smiling a little, knowing Char is trying to comfort her as best as she can right now.
She grabs her hand, and quickly brings it to her lips, for a small kiss, before laying it back onto her thigh.
As they pull into a parking spot before Marjorie's house they see no other cars, which means they are the first ones.
Getting out of the car and to the door hand in hand.
Mia takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
A few seconds later Marj opens the door. "Hi Char...Mia. You two are the first ones. Come in, come in. Hang your coats up and go sit down at the table the others are probably going to be here soon.": and with that she disapears back into the kitchen.
Mia and Char share a look before following Marj into the kitchen.
"Do you need help with anything Marj?" Char asks as she sees the chaos in the room.
"No, my love. It's alright. But Thank you for offering. Do you want anything to drink?"
"I would take a wine." Char says.
"Water is fine. I have to drive us home.": Mia replys.
"Alright, wine. I didn't have time to get some bottels up. Reece bought almost the whole wine section, but if it means Autumn comes he will do it." She cuckels. "Would you mind getting some out of the basement. Get whatever you like, and just a random bottle for Autumn she will drink anything."
"Of course, no problem." Char smiles, giving Mia a kiss on the cheek, as she walks past her and out of the door.
Now Mia and Marjorie alone for the first time in a long time.
"You wanted water? The glasses are in the cabinet behind you and there should be a bottle in the fridge."
"Thanks.": Mia says opening the cabinet and the fridge before pourring the water into her glass.
"You can put the bottle on the table."
"Alright." Mia answers walking into the dinning room to put the bottle on the table just in time with the Ring of the doorbell.
"Mia? Can you get it? I can't leave the kitchen right now or our food is going to be a big black burned brick." Marj shouts out of the kitchen.
"Yeah I can get it" Mia shouts back before walking to the door opening it to Reece, Winter and Autumn.
"Hey, come in. Marjorie is busy in the kitchen and Char is getting the wine out of the basement."
After the hellos, Char comes back up with four Wine bottles clutched in her arms.
Mia rushes to her to help her carry everything into the dinning room, where the others are already seated after having said hello to Marjorie.
Mia and Char sitting down as well, with Autumn sitting across from Mia and winter across from char, Marj at Mias right at the head of the table and Reece to Chars left.
Nobody talks, and you can practically feel the tension in the room.
That's when Marj comes into the room with the food.
"Alright you lot. We are going to eat and then we are going to talk everything out, got it?"
Everybody agrees, as they start eating.
I hope you liked it, let me know your thoughts :)

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