A month later. Emmy's Bday!
Hailey's POV:
I wake up at 6 to Paisley climbing on top of me. I open my eyes and see her sitting on my legs. I notice Emerson is still asleep beside me. She's been sleeping in my bed with me since Jay left a month ago.
"Hey Paisy." I whisper, "come on, come help mama make breakfast?"
She nods, still sucking on her pacifier. I pull back my covers and lift Paisley up as I get out of bed. We go downstairs. I sit Paisley in her high chair without the tray and sit it in the kitchen with me. I get everything set up for pancakes. I start to make them and add chocolate chips. I cook them and put them on three plates. I make some hot chocolate. I get Paisley out of her chair and then grab all three plates and drinks.
"Paisy, upstairs back to mommy's room." I exclaim
She nods and we go upstairs. We get to my room. I gently turn up the brightness of the lights till they are light but not too bright. Emerson stirs.
"Hailey?" She mumbles
"Happy birthday sweetie. Paisy and I have pancakes for breakfast!" I reply, "you wanna sit up? I've got hot chocolate too."
She sits up and Paisley climbs on the bed.
"Happy birthday Emmy!" She hugs her
"Aww, thanks Paisy." Emerson hugs her back.
Paisley ends the hug and then I pass out the plates. I sit down on the bed as well and hand out the drinks. We all eat. Paisley surprisingly didn't make a mess. I take the dishes downstairs and load the dishwasher and turn it on. I go back upstairs.
"Ok, we've got a busy day. We're meeting up with your school friends at the park in an hour. Then Ems, you have gymnastics, meanwhile, Pais and I will get ready for your party with the team and Bristol tonight. And Bristol is staying the night right?" I recite the plans of the day
"Yep." Em replies.
I take Paisley and go get her dressed for the day.

Emerson's PoV:
I get up out of Hailey's bed and go down to my room. I choose an outfit. I decide on a white top with a white cropped jumper and some black pants.

I do some light makeup and grab my phone before heading downstairs and putting my shoes on

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I do some light makeup and grab my phone before heading downstairs and putting my shoes on. Pais and Hailey come downstairs. I let Hailey get snacks ready whilst I get Paisley's shoes on. We all then leave and go to the park. I see all my friends waiting. We park and I get out first. Talia, Jamie, Luca, Levi and Tilly all run over and hug me. Not gonna lie, I have a huge crush on Levi. Hailey and Paisley come over. We all hang out whilst Hailey entertains Paisley. I open all their gifts. I got a new phone case from Talia, a new top from Jamie, a new book from Luca. Tilly got me a necklace. That leaves Levi. He gives me an envelope. I open it. I read it in my head.
Emerson Jade Halstead,
Happy birthday. I think you are an amazing person. You're really pretty and cool. I really like you and I was wondering if you might go on a date with me sometime. Also, again, happy birthday you wonderful amazing person. I didn't know what to get you so I got you your favorite chocolate and a $500 gift card.
From Levi,

Oh my god, he feels the exact same way as I do! He looks at me. I nod excitedly. I get the chocolate out and the gift card.
"Thank you Levi!" I go over and hug him.
"You're welcome!" He replies
I check my watch. 12.
"Hails. We gotta go!" I call before turning back to my friends, "it was great to see you all guys. See ya Monday?"
"Yeah." They all reply
"Text me later Levi?" I wink at him
He gives a small smile, "sure."
I head over to where Hailey is trying to get an upset Paisley out of the sand.
"Paisley does not want to leave the sandpit at all." Hailey sighs, clearly stressing, "she wont leave and now we're gonna be late for your gymnastics."
"Let me try. Just breathe Hails" I smile gently before walking over to the edge of sandpit, "Pais. It's Emmy. Can you look at me?"
She looks up at me, "yes?"
"Look Paisy, I know you wanna play, but I have to go to my gymnastics class. Maybe once I get home we can play for a bit before we go out? You're making your mommy really sad right now. Can you come out?" I ask
"Otay!" She stands up and comes over to me.
I lift her up and carry her over to Hailey.
"Come on kids." Hailey exclaims and we go to the car.
I buckle in Paisley and then hop in the front. Hailey drives us to Gymnastics. I unbuckle and lean over to hug Hailey and wave to Paisley. I exit the car and head in. I get changed into my leotard and then close my locker. I head out to the main floor. I can't see anyone. On top of that, all lights are off. That's weird. I hear feet shuffling
"Hello?" I call
Then, all the lights flick on and everyone in the gymnasium jumps out calling happy birthday. Bristol runs over to me and jumps onto me, causing me to stumble.
"Happy birthday Em." She smiles
"Thanks Bri." I chuckle
The rest of my team comes over and says happy birthday.
"Alright you lot, let's get to work. Floor first. Happy birthday Emmy." Jaymie exclaims
"Thanks coach." I smile
We gather on the floor and stretch before Bristol and I work on our floor routines whilst the team watches and helps spot. I finish what we've planned and add a double full twist.
"Emmy, you can do a double full twist?" Jaymie asks
"Yup." I reply
"Ok, we'll add that in." Jaymie replies
We continue working on it and then work on Bristol's. We then work on the other girls routines on thier events. At 4, Jaymie stops us.
"Alright girls, go get changed and then meet back here on the floor." Jaymie exclaims
"We still have 30 minutes?" I question
"I know." She responds
I shoot Bristol a confused look and then we go and get changed. We head back out onto the floor. There is a table with a cake and some gifts.
"These are from us here at CGG! And these are from your team."  Jaymie points out the different gifts.
I nod. I open the team's first. I get some gift cards and a new headband! Then I open the one from CGG! CGG is Chicago Gymnastics Group. I open it and it is a team jacket with my name on it! Personalized with embroidered flowers.
"Oh my god! It's so cute." I exclaim
"Me and the other coaches all pitched in." Jaymie exclaims, gesturing to the coaches behind her
"Thanks guys." I smile
"You're welcome." Jaymie replies
We then eat some cake before class ends and we all head off.
"Bri, see you at 6?" I ask as we walk out together.
Kevin is picking her up so they can get ready. Jaymie still has another class.
"Yep, see you later Ems." She waves before climbing into Kevin's car.
I head over to Hailey's jeep and get in.
"Hey Hails." I greet, buckling in.
"Hey Em, how was gym?" She asks, pulling the car out of the parking space.
"Great. We had a little birthday thing at the end for me. I got some gift cards and a headband from my group, except Bri, she's giving me my gift later. And from all the coaches I got a personalized team jacket with my name and embroidered flowers." I exclaim happily
"That's great sweetie. Let's get home huh? Pais is with the neighbor." Hailey exclaims, getting onto the road
I nod. We continue to talk till we get home. I head inside whilst Hailey ducks to the neighbors and gets P. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I check it. Levi.

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