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The next day.
Hailey's POV:
I wake up and see Emerson asleep, cuddling into me. She woke up late last night with a bad dream and fell asleep next to me. I find my phone and check the time. 0947. There's a knock at the door and I look up. Voight is there with Platt. I wave them in.
"Hey Upton, how are you?" Platt exclaims quietly
"I'm good." I smile softly before looking down as Emmy shuffles against my side.
"When are you back to work?" Voight asks
"Um, I'll have to ask Will." I reply
"Alright. I do have to ask. Do you remember anything that happened?" Voight sits down in the chair beside the bed
"No." I lie before looking away
"Hailey, if you know who it is..." platt reasons
"I don't know. Now get out!" I exclaim angrily
"Hailey. Why are you protecting him?" Voight questions
"I'm not. I don't know who it was. Now get out!" I yell, "I don't know!"
"Hailey. Calm down." Voight places a hand on my arm
"Don't touch me! Just get out!" I scream, crying now.
The door slides open. I see Will run in.
"Ok, you guys need to leave!" He orders, "she does not need any extra stress. She's still healing! Go now."
They leave. I feel Emmy is tense in my arms. I look down and see Emmy awake but scared and crying.
"Emmy, can you hear me? You ok?" I ask
"Mom. Why did you scream?" She sobs
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean too." I soothe
She nods and sits up. I hug her and she calms down. Will comes back in.
"Hey, you ok Hails?" He asks
"Yeah. Um, how long till I'm back at work?" I ask
"With the tests I've run. You should be back to work within 2 weeks. Your head is healed and you show no signs of memory loss. You should be ok. You are also free to go. If you experience any pain, lightheaded or dizziness, come back ok?" He hands me a bag of my clothes.
"Thanks Will." I respond and he leaves the room.
I climb out of the bed and go to the connected bathroom and get dressed. I go out and see Em on her phone. She puts it away.
"I messaged Bri. Kevin is gonna come get us and take us home." She tells me
"Ok sweetheart. Then once we get home, we can hop in your car and get Paisy from daycare?" I reply
"Ok." She nods and hops up.
We exit my room and go to the nurses desk. I sign my paperwork and then discharged. We exit the hospital and find Kevin in the carpark. We get into his car.
"Hey Hailey, how ya doing?" Kev asks
"Good." I reply
He drives us to our place and we go inside, after Em gets her stuff from the trunk. She unpacks and then we get in her car. She drives us to the daycare and we get out and go inside. We go to Paisley's room. Her carer, Miss L, comes over.
"Hailey, it's great to see you. I heard what happened." She smiles
"Thank you, just here to grab Paisy." I reply, "and she won't be here for the next two weeks, I'm not working so she'll be home with me."
"Okay!" She nods before turning to the room, "Paisley, look who's here!"
"Mommy!" Paisley runs over.
She hugs my legs.
"Hey baby girl, you ready to go?" I ask her
"Yes!" She smiles before turning around, "bye Miss L!"
"Bye Paisley." Miss L waves to her
Paisley goes over to Emmy and Emmy lifts her up. We then leave the building. Em gets Paisley buckled in and then we both get in. Em drives us home and then we get out. The girls play together whilst I relax a bit. We have dinner later and then watch a movie.

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