The next day, at the competition

Emerson's POV:
Our team is sitting in a group on the floor, other teams around us, focusing on the presenter.
"Under 18 female floor. 3rd place, Jackie Lion, 2nd place, Bristol Barkley, 1st place, Emerson Halstead." He presents
I excitedly stand up and go over to the podium. I take my spot on the top box. The judge comes over and gives out the medals. I lower my head as he places the gold medal over my head. I shake his hand. I stand and look to the crowd where Hailey and Paisley. Hailey is smiling and Paisley is clapping. We get a photo taken and return to our team. Awards are given for bars, beam and vault. Then it is top teams.
"3rd place, Serenity Gym, 2nd place, Pilsen Gymnastics, 1st place Franklin Park Gymnastics!" The presenter announces
We got second. Coach chooses me to collect our trophy. I take the spot on second. I am handed the trophy. We get a photo taken and then I go back to my team. The day ends and everyone files out. I give the trophy to Coach. Hailey and Paisley come over.
"Emmy!" Paisley squeals happily
"Hey kiddo." I lift her up and hug her
"You won!" She smiles
"Yeah." I chuckle
"Good job." Hailey hugs me
"Thanks Hails." I smile as I put Paisley down
"E!" I turn and see Levi.
"Lev!" I run and jump into his arms, "what are you doing here?"
"You think I'd miss seeing you perform and get your awards. I was here yesterday too." He chuckles
We've been dating for a month now, he asked me to be his girlfriend on our date after my birthday.
"Aww, thanks Levi." I kiss him gently as he puts me down.
"Does she know?" Levi points behind me to Hailey
I turn and see her staring wide eyed at me.
"Come meet her." I drag Levi towards her, "Hailey, this is my boyfriend Levi, Levi, this is Hailey."
"Nice to meet you Levi." Hailey shakes his hand
"You too." Levi reciprocates the action
"Let's go! Your coach said you are good to go, I'll take you back to the hotel and you can grab your bags." Hailey slings her arm around me, "Jay said he wants to FaceTime on the 1 hour to Chicago."
"Kay, I'll see you at school on Monday?" I turn to Levi
"Yup." He kisses the top of my head, "see ya."
We walk out to the car, paisley holding Hailey's hand. We get in to the car and head back to the hotel. I head up to my room and go in. Bristol and Coach are in here. I make small talk as I pack up my things and say goodbye to them. I take my things downstairs. I load them into the car and hop in the front. We start the drive back into Chicago. The comp was about 45 minutes to an hour out, in a city called Aurora. I send Jay a message. He replies almost instantly, he must be at base for the night. I call him. He answers.
"Hey Emmy, how'd you go?" He answers
"Ehh," I sigh before staring at the camera with a giant smile, "I got first place on floor! And my team came second overall."
"What! That's amazing Emerson!" He smiles
"Guess who has a boyfriend." Hailey speaks up from the drivers seat.
"Emerson?" Jay stares at me through the phone, "seriously?"
"Yes, I do, his name is Levi, he is absolutely the kindest." I explain before looking to hailey, "did you seriously have to tell him?"
"Yes I did. It's exciting. It's your first boyfriend." She chuckles, using one arm to tickle my side
"Mommmmmm!" I groan playfully, before stopping immediately, hearing what I said.
Hailey stops and retracts her hand, going back to driving.
"Em?" Jay speaks up from the phone.
I don't say anything but and the call, putting my headphones on. I zone out until we get home. I immediately jump out of the car, not bothering to grab my bag and go inside through the garage. I go straight up to my room and shut and lock my door. I grab one of my squishes and work my way through a panic attack. There is a knock on my door after a while.
"Emerson?" I can't tell who's voice it is
"What?" I cry
"Can I come in?" The person asks
"Fine." I go over and unlock my door.
I go back over to my bed and lay down. The bed dips behind me.
"Emmy, listen, I'm sorry for how I reacted. It just kind of shocked me." I hear Hailey's voice behind me, as she lays a gentle hand in my back
"Are you mad at me?" I ask quietly
"No, baby, of course not." She soothes
"I'm sorry." I apologise
"You have nothing to be sorry about." She murmurs as I move my head to lay on her lap, "I just wasn't sure if you were ok with it." I sob
"If you're ok with it, I am. Paisley thinks of you as a sister anyway." Hailey runs her fingers through my hair, "I'm happy you think of me as your mom."
"So I can call you mom?" I ask
"Of course bubs." She leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead.
"Ok then, mom, what's for dinner?" I ask
"I dunno, why don't you go ask your sister what she wants." Mom tickles me
"Ok." I roll out of bed and go downstairs.
I see paisley playing with her toys.
"Emmy." She gets to her feet and comes over
"Hey little sis. Mom wants me to know what you want for dinner." I exclaim
"Chippies and nuggies, sissy." Paisley asks
"Ok." I reply before turning to the stairs, "Mom! Paisley wants nuggets and chip."
"Ok sweetie, you mind sending Jay a message, he just wants to know if you're ok." She replies
"Yep." I respond before grabbing out my phone and sending Jay a quick message.
I put my phone away and play with Paisley for a bit until my phone rings. I grab it and answer
"Hey kiddo." Jays voice comes through the phone
"Hey Jay." I reply
"You ok?" He asks
"Yes. I am." I tell him
"Alright." He chuckles
"Kids, dinners ready." Mom calls
"Alright mom, I'm just talking to Jay, be there in a sec." I call back as I move to the phone away from my ear
"Alright." Mom replies as Paisley runs into the other room
"Alright, Jay, I'll talk later, I'm gonna go have dinner." I move the phone back to my ear
"Kay, bye." He replies, "love you."
"Bye Jay. Love you too." I end the call
I put my phone away and head to the kitchen. Mom passes me a plate and I sit next to Paisley. Mom sits beside me. We eat together. After dinner, she goes and gets Paisley ready for bed and I go up to my room. I relax for a bit. I hear a knock on the front door. I hear the door open. I hear a loud commotion including my mom. I try to listen in until my door opens.
"Sissy." Paisley mumbles, tears streaming her face.
"Paisy, come here." I go and grab her from the ground and close my door, "what's up P?"
"Mommy is yelling with the man downstairs and it scary." She cries
"It's ok baby." I rock her in my arms until she calms
I look down and see her asleep. I pay her in my bed and cuddle her tightly. I sit up abruptly, without disturbing Paisley when I hear a loud thump and the front door slamming shut. I jump out of bed and rush downstairs. I see mom laying on the floor by the door.
"Mom!" I rush over and bend down beside her, rolling her into her back, "mom, can you hear me?"
She has a large gash on her forehead. She is unconscious. I grab my phone from my back pocket and call 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" The operator answers
"My name is Emerson Halstead, my mom, Hailey Halstead, she's unconscious with a head gash. It's bleeding heavily. We live at 1244 S Blue Island!" I exclaim hurriedly
"Ok, Emerson, can you breathe for me?" The operator tells me, "we've sent an ambulance."
"Ok." I reply softly
"Is your dad there?" The operator replies
"No. It's just me, my mom and my little sister, she's only 3!" I explain, "my dad isn't here."
"Ok. Are there any towels nearby? Anything absorbent?" The operator asks
"Um, there's tea towels in the kitchen cupboard?" I suggest
"Amazing, can you go and get one for me?" The operator responds
I run to the kitchen and get one. I run back to mom.
"What now?" I ask
"Press the towel on the wound. Tightly." The operator instructs.
I do so. At that moment, a knock sounds at the door.
"Paramedics!" One calls
"It's open." I call
The door opens and I see Gabby and Sylvie from Firehouse 51. I end the 911 call.
"Hey Em, what happened?" Gabby asks
"I...don't...know." I exclaim moving back as Sylvie places a dressing on the wound after moving the towel.
They move her onto the backboard. They get her onto the gurney. Mom stirs. Her eyes open.
"Mom." I rush to her side
"Em, where's your sister?" She groans
"Upstairs, asleep in my bed." I tell her
"Go get her, I'm ok." She replies weakly
I run upstairs and go to my room. Paisley is still asleep. I go over and lift her up. I carry her downstairs. I follow Gabby and Sylvie out of the house as they wheel out mom. I get in the back of the ambo with Gabby. Sylvie drives. Mom passes out again.
"Mom!" I exclaim as I see the dressing is soaked.
Gabby looks down and quickly changes it. Mom still doesn't wake and isn't breathing properly so Gabby puts a mask and bag over her mouth to help her breathe. We pull up at med. Sylvie opens the doors and her and Gabby pull out the gurney. I follow, carrying Paisley, still asleep. We go in. I see Will. He runs forward to treat mom.
"34 year old female, injury to the head. Deep wound. Woke briefly but slipped back into unconsciousness. GCS 8, heart rate 114, BP 70/30, satting at 87%." Sylvie tells him.
"Trauma 1!" Maggie tells them, "Em, bring Pais over here."
I go over.
"Is my mom ok?" I ask worriedly
Maggie gives me a slightly confused expression, "hopefully, go to the waiting room please."
I nod and go out to the waiting room. Paisley starts to stir with the noise around us.
"Sissy?" She mumbles
"Hey P, go back to sleep." I rock her gently in my arms.
She soon falls asleep. I pace nervously. Hours pass and soon it's like 11pm.
"Emerson." Will walks out.
I go straight over, "is mom ok?" I ask
"Mom?" He asks
"She is my mom." I explain
"Right, ok. Anyways, your mom is unconscious, up in ICU. The head wound ended up slightly breaking her skull. We are unable to tell when she will wake, have you contacted my brother?" Will explains
"Nope, he's on a different time zone and he's probably working right now, so he'll be unreachable." I sigh, rocking Paisley, "can we see her?"
"Follow me." He leads us through the building and then into the Elevator and up to the ICU and to mom's room.
I see her lying in a bed, hooked up to machines. I go in.
"Hey mom." I murmur softly, "who did this to you?"
"Hey sweetie, Will called me in because I'm not on shift, I'm gonna bring you back to mine and his." Nat comes in the room.
"You can take P but I'm not leaving." I don't take my eyes off mom.
"Alright, tomorrow night you are coming to ours because you will have school the next day." Nat takes Paisley from me, "I'll be back later tomorrow."
"Bye Nat." I mumble mindlessly.
She leaves and I take hold of mom's hand. I shuffle the chair closer to the bed and settle down before heading to sleep.

Sorry it's so long!!!!!!

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