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Azriel Shadowsinger was on the floor. Believe me he had been slammed on the ground many times before, but that was usually due to training exercises. He hadn't been doing anything but enjoying breakfast after training when he had found himself on the floor waking up from a sudden bout of unconsciousness.

It felt different. The air tasted strongly of magic, and he could hear and smell others around him. Blinking an eye open and peering to his side, Cassian was sprawled on his stomach, cheek smushed and mouth wide open.

Jumping to his feet he peered around, 'Strange' he thought. All the highlords and who he recognised as the closest members of their counts were around them. How had they all got there? Amarantha perhaps? She was in Prythian at that moment.

Seeing everyone else remained unconscious he took a moment to glance around him, it seemed to be a large ballroom but instead of being inside, it was completely outdoors. There was a roof and a floor and connecting the two were large marble columns that spiralled upwards until they reached the ceiling. No walls or windows. Outside the room was a large green moor with vibrant colours of every plant and multiple species of animals that payed the numerous fae in the structure no mind.

'Rhys', he tried to wake his highlord and brother through his mind.

'Rhys', again, nothing.

He approached him slowly, keeping an eye on the other who still slumbered around the room and shook him harshly. "Rhys, wake up I have no idea where we are."

Rhysand blinked blearily but got to his feet far quicker and stared. "What the fuck."

The various other fae around the room started groaning as they too got to their feet, the confusion in the room was palpable.

"Welcome!" How had Azriel missed the woman at the front of the room? She was taller than the average female with long, curly, ginger hair and bright green eyes. Her body was round and soft, not a warriors build but a female who looked like she had given birth to a few children. She was beautiful and familiar.

"I am the Mother, I have gathered you all here today to witness the lives of two girls who are essential to the survival of Pythian."

"The Mother" exclaimed Beron Vanserra, "surely you lie."

Multiple gasps rippled among the guests, if the little stories and artwork passed down through generations describing her exactly like the woman in front of them didn't make them believe then surely the power did.

It leaked off her in dosages, each one more powerful than before, it didn't feel threatening. In fact, it made you want to lie down and confess all your sins and woes. The power made them want to tell the female all the good deeds they had committed for the chance that she might tell them that she was proud of them and they had done a good job.

"No Beron Vanserra, I do not lie," she spat his name as if it disgusted her, it probably did, "I have gathered you here to learn about the mates of both Rhysand, Highlord of the Night Court, and Azriel, Spymaster of the Night Court".

She tuned and smiled at Azriel and his brother with a maternal warmth in her eyes, Gods, how long had it been since either of them had witnessed someone look at them like that?

"Their mates shall be your saviours, your cursebreakers, your salvation."

She paused and glanced around but everyone was too shocked by the current events to say anything, 'surely this could not be real' Azriel thought to himself, he was a bastard born Illyrian who tortured people for a living why would he be given such a mate?

"Excuse me, my lady?" Helion questioned, "What exactly are they saving us from?"

"That is what you will find out, I hope to avoid such as loss of life, it is highly unnecessary". The mother again glanced around at them all, "You all are here as you hold the power to change all of Prythian, to help all of those in your courts and save their life's, I hope that through reading, and watching the lives of these two girls you will understand how necessary it is, that you prepare for what is to come."

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