Chapter One: Panic after Disco (Deadly Life) (Class Trial: Part 1)

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Truth Bullets

Monokuma Files: The victim was Eve Mioda. Time of death was 11pm. She died from an electric shock and has an injury on the back of her neck.

Eve's Body: Despite being burned to a crisp, Eve's body was freezing cold.

Small Glass Containers: There was a small glass container found inside Eve's mouth. Kotone pointed out that more were found taped all over Eve's body. She had also found one severely more damaged than all the others.

Satoka's account: After being brought back into his room, Satoka claimed to have felt a strange chill before the Nighttime Announcement that lasted 10 seconds.

Damaged Pool: On the side of the pool, a giant chunk of it was missing.

Yellow Powder: A strange, yellow powder was found on the damaged pool. According to Mononeko, a bunch of the stuff was found inside the pool itself and was causing the pool to keep an electric charge.

Alicia's Alibi: According to Chris, Alicia was the first drunk person to leave the party as he had personally brought her back to her room before everyone else.

Irons: Before the party, there were several irons plugged in the wall of the Storage Room. Sora unplugged them to prevent a power outage.

Hidden Knife: Under the table in the far back there was a hidden knife tapped to it.

Cup of Soda: Unlike all the other cups that had alcohol in them, there was one that seemed to be the only one with actual soda.

Prix Account: According to Prix, the ones who got drunk at the party were Satoka, Kotone, Alicia, and Crimson. Strawberry, Anna, and Artoria were immune to alcohol and everyone else simply didn't drink.

Seiketsu's Account: Seiketsu claims he was out after midnight and slept in one of the cabins outside the hotel. He found a blue bed already set up beforehand and claims to already know who the culprit is.

Mia's Account: According to Mia, she received a text from Eve at around 10:15 asking them to meet up, something she couldn't due since it was past the Nighttime Announcement. Mia notes that Eve doesn't know how to text.

Strawberry's Account: Before the Nighttime Announcement, Strawberry had managed get all the drunks but one onto the ship. She went to get the last one but was almost immediately knocked out. Due to being struck in the head, she can't remember who it was.

100 Ibs Dumbbell: In the Rocket Punch Market, there was a Dumbbell that seems to have been whipped off and put back.

Devil Fruit Weakness: According to Mia, Eve ate a Devil Fruit, which allowed her to change her size. Enough water can nullify the effects of the fruit and weaken Eve

Frozen Floor: In the kitchen of the hotel, a frozen path was formed leading from the entrance to the Balcony

Broken Balcony: The Balcony is almost completely broken, as if someone ran into it and dived straight into the pool.

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