Party Poopers (No. 1)

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You put on a modern outfit (Your choice). Everyone was in the lobby, Lucifer wore a White tuxedo with gold on it and he wasn't wearing his ring this time, Alastor wore his usual outfit but didn't have his vest on and he had his hair up, Charlie was wearing a red dress, Vaggie wore a yellow dress with white in it, Nifty wore a glittery dress, Angel Dust wore a cute pink crop top with long black pants, Cherri Bomb wore a the same thing as Angel Dust but her crop top was black and she had a pink skirt, and lastly Husker wore a black and gray tuxedo.

You went down to the lobby, everyone was waiting for you.
"M/n! You look fantastic!" Charlie said holding your hands while jumping up and down. "Thanks Charlie, you look beautiful in that dress." You replied, "Aw! Thanks!" Charlie shouted and everyone smiled except for Vaggie. Everyone went to their positions, Husker behind the bar, Nifty, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer at the door welcoming everyone when they come in, Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb at the sofa sitting waiting for the guests, and M/n standing beside the bar.

Charlie opened the door letting everyone that was invited in except for the Vee's of course... Everyone was greeted with a smile, Everyone was happy. After a while everyone was having fun in the party, sinners dancing and getting to know each other. But the Vee's aren't happy because they weren't invited.

-<The Vee's>-

"Hey why aren't we invited to the party?!" Velvet complained because she saw a post about the party, "What party?" Vox replied. "Y'know that silly little hotel has a big party going on and we aren't invited." Valentino explained while scrolling on his phone, "Wait- There's a party going on?!" Vox shouted, "Yep." Velvet and Valentino replied to him with a calm but annoyed look. "Ugh! That princess-!" Vox shouted with anger, "What should we do?" Velvet asked.

"We're going to the party."


It's short... Because I'm tired, i have been through a lot for the past 11 days... First of all i got sick and now my cat died...

(I'll make part 2 for this chapter)

Anyways Author out-

The Sinner between The Devil and The Radio Demon (Radioapple x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now