Taped IDs and Torturous Conversations

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(TW/CW: mention of alcohol, slight implied suicidal thoughts, mention of selfharm, homophobia and transphobia)

Jimmy shakily peeled the tape away from his school ID, trying to explain to the parking garage staff that he would be finished as soon as possible.

"Look at her, taped up her ID and everything," the man scoffed, Jimmy digging at the blue painters tape faster. He had practiced taking it off but apparently it wasn't fast enough. He felt his chest tighten at the misgendered pronouns and the way the man said it loudly to the other men. There was nobody in the car lanes for tbe parking garage anyway. Jimmy shouldn't need to struggle to go faster.

After another moment of watching Jimmy struggle, the man sighed. "Do you have a parking permit?"

"Yes, of course," Jimmy nodded his head, pulling a strip off.

The man stepped away and walked to the back of the car, undoubtedly looking for the permit. He came back after a moment and nodded his head. "Alright, you can go."

"Thanks," Jimmy mumbled under his breath, dropping his ID and driving the car into the garage.

The car was silent for a moment.

"You must hate having your legal name on your ID," one of the passengers spoke up from the back of the car. Jimmy could barely make out who it was from the fluff that clouded his mind.

"Yeah, along with my picture," he drove up the steep ramps quickly.

"Does the school at least respect your name and pronouns?"

Jimmy felt like he could vomit, but he knew he looked cool and composed on the outside. "No, nobody really does. Only people in the dorm know and respect it, and I only told one professor. She doesn't seem to respect it anyways." The car went slightly faster as he went past rows of cars to get to the next ramp. His hands were pale against the steering wheel, clenched tight around it.

"That sucks."

"Yeah," Jimmy thought it would be better to just take a dive off the parking garage than continue the conversation.


Jimmy curled into himself. He stared at the shared bathroom, feeling sick to his stomach.

He thought that maybe it was fine coming out to everyone around him, but it felt dangerous day after day. His parents didn't even know, and he was trapped in his own body.

Until he found out one of his suitemates had purposefully told him that nobody could be trans and go into the career he was wanting to.

And he agreed because he internally agreed.

Not completely, at least. He would love and adore the people who were, but he wasn't one of them. He was just a sorry excuse for a boy. He could never truly be a man.

He looked up as the door open. Scott stumbled in from undoubtedly another late night party.

Jimmy wished he could go to at least one.

"Hi, how are you?" His roommate asked, slurring and stumbling all over the place.

Jimmy shakily smiled. It didn't matter anyway. Scott probably couldn't see him in the dark. "I'm doing fine, how was the party?" Scott started gushing about the party and about how much fun he had. Jimmy had to clench his hands.

It wasn't fair. His roommate was openly gay, more open than Jimmy was about his own transgender identity. Jimmy was called all sorts of genders, but nobody truly knew or cared. Some said it out of spite, hating him for existing. Scott, on the other hand, was popular with everyone. He had friends over all the time, going to parties weekly and returning drunk. Some people loved him because he was gay. Nobody could say the same about Jimmy.

Jimmy (Solidarity) Oneshots because he is my favorite characterWhere stories live. Discover now