Let Me Love You

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Pairing: Garreth Weasley/Tessa Cole
Tags: Romance, fluff, humor, friends-to-lovers, 4+1 trope
Disclaimer: I don't own Aurélie, she's the lovely MC of my friend morelikeravenbore!

Tessa Cole has always had a crush on Garreth ever since he had helped her with her abysmal Wiggenweld potion back in first year.
   She had instantly fallen for his fiery hair, his easy smile, his kind personality and his forest green eyes.
It had been the start of their friendship when after class, Tessa gathered up her courage to thank him for his help and asking if he could tutor her.
   The Gryffindor had made a little joke about her being a Ravenclaw and having to ask him for help, but she could see he didn't mean it in an offensive way. So she laughed with him and that's how he started teaching her all he knew about ingredients and their effects in different types of potions.

Over the years, Tessa not only began to thoroughly enjoy Potions and the whole chemistry that went behind mixing and matching ingredients to make something useful, her crush for Garreth had developed into something deeper.
   Their friendship was solid and they considered each other best friends. She was always the first to know about his experiments and more than once had she been his test subject.
   That last fact also meant she had spend a lot of time in the Hospital Wing during her first year at Hogwarts, but she couldn't complain as Garreth always visited her, playing Snap with her and bringing her favorite candy. 

All Tessa wanted to do was be able to love Garreth. To be able to hold his hand, to be able to hug him and kiss him whenever she wanted to. 
   But as confident as she might appear to others, she was horribly shy when it came to her crush. Add the fact that they were best friends and it made it near impossible for her to actually tell him her feelings.
   What if he rejected her and distanced himself from her? As much as she loved him in a romantic way, she most of all enjoyed his friendship and would absolutely not want to risk throwing all of that away by making the wrong move. 

Tessa had talked to her friend Aurélie about it, the French beauty ready to help her friend in need. 
   Together they had come to the conclusion that the best way to go at it was to try and get Garreth to notice her more as a potential girlfriend. And to do that, the best thing she could do was try and create some romantic scenario's, though Tessa couldn't come up with any. 
   Eventually Aurélie suggested that she could be on the lookout for potential romantic gestures she could make or scenes she could set and seize the opportunity once it presented itself. 


Luckily for her, the first opportunity arose when Tessa overheard Garreth ask a student for some Billywig stings from Honeydukes' cellar. 
   The student rejected him, saying they preferred not to get into trouble for him and they barely knew each other anyway. 
   Tessa could see from where she stood that although Garreth told the student it was fine, he was very disappointed. Which gave her the idea that she could go and get those Billywig stings. 
She was sure her best friend would greatly appreciate it and maybe he would even see her in a different light if she brought the ingredient he needed for his experimental brew. Right?
   It was worth a try. 

Unfortunately, the shop owner caught her sneaking into the cellar, throwing her out of his store and banishing her from the candy store for the rest of the schoolyear. 
   Tessa rubbed her sore backside after getting up from the ground. Darn, she hadn't even caught a glimpse of what she needed before the shop owner dragged her away. 

Her mood had soured on her trek back to Hogwarts when the realization finally came that she wouldn't be able to go into the store for almost a full year to try the new candies that would come out or to buy her favorites. 
   Walking inside the school, her already bad mood only worsened when she saw a different student handing over the Billywig stings to Garreth, the latter putting some Galleons into their hand with a big smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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