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Blair Zabini

It's been a week since the party and me basically fessing my whole life out to Mattheo.

As soon as I got back to the dorm the next day I told Luna everything that had happened and she was as shocked as I was by the fact he was being nice.


"Cmon B we have to head to the quidditch try outs" Daphne exclaimed as her and Pansy along with Luna burst into our dorm. "Ugh do I have to" I sighed as I pulled a jumper over my head.

It was a Sunday and it was a cold one as well.

I was wearing a knitted black and white swirly jumper with a tight pencil skirt and thick tights along with my black boots.

I also placed on some black earmuffs before pulling on my winter coat.

"Yes you do because it's Ravenclaw and Slytherins today so come on girl" Pansy laughed as she dragged me out of the dorm.

As soon as we exited the school I instantly felt the cold wind hit my face. 'Thank god I wore my hair in a slick ponytail jeez' I sighed to myself as we made our way down to the pitch.

We climbed up the bleachers and sat in the middle section as we noticed Ravenclaw at one end of the field and Slytherin at the other both warming up.

I took a once over the greens who were all on the ground having a pep talk from Adrian Purcey. Yes the dick who spiked me. Moving on.

I immediately saw Blaise and his goonies all stood at the back of the group messing about mocking the captain causing me to let out a quiet chuckle.


After what felt like hours the tryouts were finally over.

My brother and his goonies had all made the team. Thank god. I didn't want to have to deal with him if he didn't.

"See you later guys I'm going to go paint" Luna smiled as she gave us a sweet smile before skipping off to our dorm. "She's adorable" Pansy giggled. "Protect her at all cost ladies" Daphne demanded causing me to laugh a little as well.

"Anyways ama head to the library I have some homework to catch up on. See you later girls" I smiled before walking off and throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking down the corridor to the library.

I walked through the large oak doors and spotted Hermione sat by herself at one of the back tables so I decided to head over to her.

"Hey Mione" I smiled as I sat down opposite the brown haired girl. "Hi B how are you" she smiled looking up from her book. "Same old same old. Blaise just made the quidditch team again. How did Harry and Ron do yesterday. Me and Luna were going to come and watch but we got caught up on homework". I replied.

"Harry got seeker as per usual. And Ron made it as keeper which shocked me to be honest considering the state he was in yesterday morning" he giggled remembering how the ginger boy was acting. "Omg I saw him at breakfast. I felt so bad for him" I replied trying to stifle a laugh.

"Anyways who's what on the Slytherin team?" Hermione asked.

"It's changed up a bit this year actually now I think about it. Adrian and Theo are beaters. Blaise is keeper. Draco, Enzo and this random dude are chasers then Mattheo is seeker" I shrugged. "Hm that's... weird. Isn't Draco normally seeker and Theo a chaser whilst Mattheo is a beater?" The brown haired girl shrugged.

"Yeah that's what I thought but to be honest. The team looked better than ever when they had a small practice at the end of the tryouts" I shrugged.

"Anyways I better get going. I need to help Ginny with her astronomy homework" he smiled as she stood up. "See you later Blair". "See you tomorrow Hermione". I smiled as I followed to where she was walking.

I stood up from my chair once she left and went to look for a book to read.

I walked over to the story section which was hidden in the back corner and started hunting for a book to read.

I looked up to one of the higher shelves and saw Romeo and Juliet.

A classic.

I reached up for the book but realised I couldn't reach so I went up onto my toes to try and get a better grip on the spine.

"Fuck sake" I sighed once I realised I still couldn't reach it as I tried over and over again.

After trying for 5 solid minutes I felt a hand hold onto my waist causing me to freeze and I saw a hand reach up for the book. "Here you go princess" a deep voice whispered into my ear as they handed me the book.

"Thank you" I replied as I turned around to see Mattheo stood behind me.

"What are you doing in here out of all people?" I questioned looking up at the brown eyed boy. "Snape thought it would be a good idea for you to tutor me in potions as your the best in the class" he smirked looking down at me. His hand still on my waist.

"Alright. Sessions start tomorrow after last lesson. Meet me in the library at 5" I smiled sarcastically and walked away placing the book in my bag walking out the library.

"Wow wow wow who said anything about starting straight away?" He protested. "Me" I faked a smile as I turned to look at him before turning the corridor and heading to my dorm for the night.


Word count: 959

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