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Mattheo Riddle

Whilst on my way to meet up with Theo all sorts of things were flooding my head.

She's beautiful yet so stubborn.
She's tall yet small.

No no no snap out of it Mattheo. She's your enemy. You hate her.

Or? No you hate her. That's final.

Ughh what was this girl doing to me.

For years we clashed heads and never got along now all of a sudden she's my potions tutor and I can't get her out of my fucking head after bumping into her on the train.

She has had the most gorgeous glow up I've ever seen. No snap of it Mattheo seriously.

Fuck what's happening to me.

"Hey bro you good?" Theo spoke up pulling me out of my thoughts. "Oh joder mi vida Theo" I sighed as I slouched onto a bench at the astronomy tower. "Okay all I got from that was fuck" he replied as he sat down next to me.

"I said fuck my life" I sighed once again. "Why who's got up your ass now then" he asked as he took a drag from his cig.

"Who do you think" I asked as I took my cigs and lighter out of my pocket before lighting one. "It's 1 of two options. It's either A Blair or B you're farther so cmon fess up lover boy. What she do this time?" He asked.

I let out a big sigh before replying with "nothing that's the problem" and standing up and walking over to the railing and looking out bellow.

As I was watching over everyone I heard 2 girls laughing.

My eyes wondered over to where the sound was coming from. It was Luna and Blair. They were walking through the courtyard heading towards the Ravenclaw tower.

My eyes followed their every move until it started to rain.

I watched the rain drop onto the ground around them as they both let out a gasp before laughing and running off towards the tower and disappearing into thin air.

"Bro just admit you like her already" Theo said which snapped me out of my thoughts causing my head to whip into his direction. "I have no idea what you're talking about" I shrugged as I finished off my cigarette before throwing it off the tower.

"Sure you don't" he replied whilst patting me on the back before walking off down the stairs.

Theos words ran around my head like race cars on a track.

Do I really like Blair?


"My Lord I suggest that Mattheo would be suitable for the job" Lucius Malfoy said causing me to snap my head in his direction. "What hell no I can't do that" i protested. "Yeah you can't kill my sister" Blaise also protested from next to me. I looked at my farther who had his usual wicked grin plastered across his face as he looked at her parents.

"And how do you two feel about this?" He asked them as he walked over to stand behind the 2.

"My Lord I-I don't think..." her farther started. "SCILENCE" my farther shouted as he smacked the back of his head. "Mattheo you will kill the girl. She is a disappointment to her family. Ravenclaws don't belong in Slytherin family's. Do I make myself clear boy" he hissed as he sat back down on his chair with that snake of his climbing onto his lap.

I took a once over and Blaise and could see in his eyes him begging me to not do it but I gave him a quick wink before looking back at my farther and saying.

"Yes farther. I will do it after her 18th"


Sorry that it's so short guys I have no ideas at the moment and have a lot going on. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to message me x

Word count: 615

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