20: Lamar Is In Pain

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Pulling up at the school compound, Jake gets out of the car. He opens the car door for me and I walk out, flashing him a polite smile. Different students also arrived with us, most of them walking to the school. I looked at the building and exhaled a sigh. With a determined look, I walked into the building.

The weekend passed and it was now back to school. It was a rather interesting weekend. I mean Saturday was spent talking to Ethan and all that happened. Sunday was spent hanging out with Jake as promised only that it wasn't just the two of us but the four of us. I may or may not have invited the rest of my friends over. Jake was kind of pissed, I could tell, but still had fun. I just wanted all of us to have fun on that day so we went to the amusement park and it was the best.

Anyway, back to the present. The hallways were filled with chatter and laughter as I strode forward with Jake following behind. We only had a few minutes until classes start and I needed to make this quick.

My eyes scanned and scanned until I found exactly what I was looking for. With focused steps, I moved forward until I reached my destination. He seemed to be busy talking with friends but when he noticed me, his eyes seemed to soften. With one nod, he bid his friends goodbye and focused on me. Suddenly, all the confidence I once had dissipated. I felt small but I shook it away and inhaled.

"I'M SORRY!!" we both shouted at the same time. I took a step back and began laughing. He also joined in.

"You go first," he said with a smile. I nodded slightly.

"I found out the reason why you were mad at me the other day and I'm truly sorry, Lamar. I shouldn't have left you on the day of practice. It's just something came up and it was too urgent. I'm sorry," I apologized and looked away, feeling a bit ashamed. Just then, I heard a chuckle which got my attention so I turned to Lamar.

"It's okay, Elle. Actually, I'm the one who's at fault here. I shouted at you, saying things that weren't supposed to be said. Heck, I called you an idiot when you're not. You fainted and were rushed to the hospital all because of me. And I am truly sorry. I should have been mature and addressed the situation as an adult but I acted as a moody kid. I didn't even show up at the hospital. I'm sorry, Elena. Will you forgive me?"

I eyed him for a moment before giving in since he was giving the puppy eyes. He pulled me into a hug and squeezed me. I tried to escape but it was no use, he was stronger than me. Soon, the bell rang and we walked to class.


Classes were over and everyone ran out of the room, all heading home. I stretched once I was done packing my books and looked over to see Raymond and Keisha all set and ready to go but I didn't focus on them. My focus was on Lamar who was still packing. When he was done, he glanced at me and smiled before leaving the room.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room, ignoring my friends. When I was out, I found Lamar walking towards the school door. Jake stood by the lockers as usual but I passed him and chased after Lamar.

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