𝑣𝑖𝑖. It's nice to have a friend

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Chapter seven
It's nice to have a friend

            Fleur could not pull this off alone

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            Fleur could not pull this off alone. She needed her best friend. The one whose mind worked so fast she could barely keep track of it. If anybody could help her catch Lady Whistledown, it was Eloise.

            Fleur had taken the carriage to the Bridgerton house. One of the porters of the building opened the door for her. He told her most of the Bridgertons were in the suitor room. That was the room they spent most of their time in, so it was no surprise. The porter wanted to walk her there, but Fleur kindly said that it was not necessary.

            When she came in, there was a tension hanging in the air. Viscountess Bridgerton, Daphne and Anthony stood around the piano. Francesca sat on a chair, eating grapes and Eloise was writing something in her journal on the couch. But no one was speaking. It was almost never quiet in the Bridgerton household.

            "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Am I disturbing you?" She apologised. She stood there in the opening of the door. Eloise whipped her head around, a smile appearing on her face.

            "No, dear, we were just discussing something," The viscountess said. "Sit down. Would you like some tea?"

            Viscountess Bridgerton felt like a second mother to Fleur. Lady Danbury felt more like an aunt with the amount of gossip that spilled from her tongue. Fleur was glad to have a house where everyone was so friendly to her. Obviously Eloise, but also Daphne, who she'd befriended due to their time spent together in the social season. Besides, Daphne was very grateful for what Fleur had done for her with Lord Berbrooke.

            Fleur smiled at the Viscountess. "No, thank you. I came here to ask Eloise if she'd like to come on a walk." As she said that, she looked at Eloise.

            "What about our daily walk with Penelope?" She asked.

            "This can't wait." Fleur said. She eyed the door, showing her the urgency of the matter.

            Eloise understood the signal. With her journal in her hand, she stood up from the couch. Before she had made it to Fleur, Daphne blurted out. "You . . . like Prince Friedrich, do you not, Fleur?"

            Fleur as taken aback by the question. "Uh . . ." She stammered. "I think he's a perfectly respectable man, yes. Why do you ask?"

            "He's going to ask for my hand." Daphne said. She sounded unsure, as if she didn't believe it herself either. Her mother and brother stared at her, wondering why she'd said it to Fleur. As far as they knew, Fleur was a friend of Eloise, but only an acquaintance of Daphne.

            Fleur herself also didn't know why she was telling her, out of everyone. "Do you want him to?" She asked her.

            "I don't know."

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