𝑣. Art is not always artistry

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Chapter 5
Art is not always artistry

            "My Lord! Franklin!" Zahara's voice carried through the halls of the Lachapelle estate

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"My Lord! Franklin!" Zahara's voice carried through the halls of the Lachapelle estate. She opened the door to Franklin's study. Franklin sat at his desk, writing a letter. "My Lord, I come with wonderful news."

             A letter tightly wrapped in her hand caught Franklin's eyes. "I am quite busy, Zahara. If it could be handled later, I'd be happy with that."

            "Frankly, it can't," Zahara dropped the letter on Franklin's desk. He looked at her once more, then opened it. His eyes scanned the words on paper, but Zahara could not wait for him to read the news. "A prince! A prince is coming! To London!"

"I see . . ." Franklin read the last few words of the letter, then laid it back down on the desk. "Do you wish to introduce Fleur?"

Zahara replied as if it was the stupidest question she'd ever heard. "Of course," She said. "Though I doubt it'll work. All debutants will swarm him. Debutants who make more effort than she ever has."

"And on which grounds will you introduce our daughter? Her looks? Her elegance? Her talents?" Franklin continued to ask. "Even if we get the prince to talk to her, what will make him stay with her?"

Zahara shrugged. "I don't know, My Lord. We will make something up, I'm sure of it."

A scoff sounded from the door. Sloane had been passing by when she heard their topic, and started listening to their conversation. She walked in, a disgusted look on her face.

"Do you not understand your daughter has many benefits?" She asked as if it should've been obvious to them. "Are there more beautiful debutants? Maybe. But are there smarter debutants? I doubt it. And I'm sure the Prince, as well as any other suitor, will come to appreciate that, too. If you weren't so busy flaunting whatever beauty she may possess instead of allowing her to show her brains, maybe she would have suitors. You have no idea how your daughter thinks, and it's showing."

Both of Sloane's parents were speechless. Fleur and Carlotta were the more verbal ones. Sloane was usually the one who smiled and nodded whenever she disagreed.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Pardon denied." Sloane said. She walked away without another word. When turning the corner of the room, Sloane laid eyes on Fleur, standing next to the door. Fleur looked at her meaninglessly, and Sloane looked back. But Sloane departed in silence.

            Today's event was the first exciting one in weeks. A new wing of Somerset Hall was to open and the whole ton was invited. The entire family rode in the carriage. It was a short ride, since they lived fairly close to Somerset.

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