Chapter 4: making the suit

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she spent almost all night making the suit and its not even finished yet she was testing it out a lot making sure it was comfortable and that it fitted her body right and also making sure she would be able to move around freely with it and that it won't tear. she was never planning on using it but she might need it one day.

aunt may knocks on her door "come in" she says as may walks in confused "did you not sleep at all?" she asks.

"no im busy" she replies with ease "you have to go to school today, you know that right?" she asks again a little worried with a hint of annoyance in her tone "yes i know and i will get ready just let me clean this up" hyerin replies standing up and clearing up her stuff.

"what is that for anyways?" the older asks "just for fun i was bored" she shrugs it and goes to change clothes.

"you look like shit." alissa immediately says when she saw hyerin walking to school "wow, thank you very much" she replied "did you not sleep?" alissa asks "no i was doing stuff" she says while yawning and wiping her eyes making it seems like she's more awake.

hyerin decided that it would be okay if she slept in class knowing that her teacher is strict about it, of course she ended up getting caught and had to stay to clean up the classroom. "maybe you should've just slept" alissa says looking at the girl sweeping the floor.

"no shit, i got carried away and forgot about the time" she says sighing and putting her chin on top of the broom "do you wanna go out and eat after this?" hyerin asks alissa "sure, just let me check my wallet..." she pauses and opens her wallet counting the money "yup i have enough" she smiles and looks back to watch hyerin suffer for another 15 minutes.

"should we get meat or noodles?"hyerin asks looking at the restaurants, the two girls look at each other "both" they said at the same time as they happily walk into the restaurant ordering a lot of food as if they're not about to be broke.

hyerin's eyes was sparkling as she saw the food coming to the table alissa was almost drooling. food was one of the things these two girls will always bond about they will always love food. they cook together, they eat together, and go to restaurants together.

after eating both of them were tired and just wanted to go home. alissa had her amrs linked with hyerin's while walking as if she's about to pass out while talking about kpop idols.

suddenly while they were walking they heard a scream around the alley in the corner. now...ladies we don't go around the alleys, so alissa and hyerin looked at each other and both nodding knowing they didn't wanna get in trouble or involve themselves in there. but the woman screams for help, something inside hyerin just couldn't leave the woman screaming for help like that.

trigger warning ⚠️ SA

she unhooks her arm with alissa and shoves her back to alissa running to the alley praying that the girl would be safe "im stronger than i am before...and more flexible i'll be okay" she thought. just as she arrived the woman was knocked out on the ground and the guy looked like he just hit her. this angers her more "leave her alone." she states coldly.

"sweetheart, i suggest you to just run along and act like you never saw anything" he says looking at her walking closely slowly towards her, she keeps her eyes on him not looking away once. "leave. her. alone." hyerin says once again.

"then maybe you wanna join us?"he smiles sweetly trying to grab her, but as soon as he grabs her hyerin twists his hand causing him to let out a loud cry  "WHAT THE FUCK" he yells at her trying to rip his wrist away from her.

she kicks his leg causing him to fall and kneel down, she lets go of his arm and grabs his hair forcing him to look at her "try to even touch a woman again i will hunt you down and torture you myself." she says. the guy grabs a knife from his pocket and tries to stab her but she kicks his hand causing him to let go of the knife and she kicks him to the wall. watching him slowly lose consciousness hyerin was finally satisfied and went to the woman.

"are you okay? im sorry you had to go through that. do you want me to come with you to the police station?" the woman was crying thanking hyerin, she takes a couple of pictures of the guy and tried to look for his id and took a picture of it too and walked the woman to the police station and home.

"alissa, you can go home first im sorry" she says when she left the alley seeing a confused alissa "where the hell did you learn how to do all that?" she questions.

"youtube" hyerin says as she winks at her, alissa understood the situation and went home and called hyerin as soon as she arrived home asking how she was and if she got home safe.

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