Chapter 2, Bestowed To Another.

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A week passes by and Niko sees Alex, his face turns red. But then he sees a girl, Elijah. He's holding hands and everything... Giving her small pecks every now and then...

Niko's POV: He-he's with someone..!? Don't think about it... Why am I even like this, I can just get a girl myself!

(He still dosen't want to admit he's gay)

Alex suddenly spots Niko

Alex: Elijah- can I go talk to him for a sec- I just gotta see this friend of mine.

Elijah: Sure babe!

Niko's POV: Babe!? No, no, I can't be jealous?! I can just get someone...

Alex walks towards him, holding Elijah's hand.

Niko's POV: Crap...

Alex: Hey-! Niko? What's up?

Niko: I- I- I'm okay-...

Alex: You okay?

Niko's POV: Maybe I'll ask him out-... as a friend ofc...

Alex: Yo- wake up-

Niko: Uh- yeah, yeah... I'm alright-!

Alex: That's the spirit!

Niko: So, since uh- do you wanna be friends!?

He said that in a embarrased matter. His face was red, he had butterflies, his head was down and he looked like he just kissed someone.

Alex: Sure!

Niko: So- since we're friends and all that- do you wanna go out somewhere... just you and me...

Alex: I'm okay, but I'll ask Elijah.

Elijah: I'm fine with that. You boys go have fun. But when though?

Niko: How about tomorrow?

Alex: Sure!

Niko: How about Men's Bunch, the bar?

Alex: Why not-! See you there! I'll make plans. What's your number?

Niko's POV: Is this it!? Wait no- he dosen't like me... Wait- why am I thinking about this!? Uh-

Niko: *********

Alex: Thanks!

After a while of talking they both go back to their business. Niko felt at little, flustered while talkjng with Alex. He stuttered, he had a hard time with his words, but the conversation turned out alright.

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