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It was 3 in the afternoon when I heard a commotion outside the cabin. I called May inside.
"What is happening outside May?"- I asked her.
"Mr. Karan is here and he is asking for Mr. Kim and Jin told him that he is out of the station for few days and he is throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old that he wants to meet him right now."- May told me making me sigh.
"Go to your cabin, I will handle him."- I said as we both made our way out of my cabin.

"What is happening over here?"- I said in a loud and clear voice knowing well what the hell is happening over there.
"Well see Boon---
"It's Mr. Baiboon for you Mr. Karan."- I told him.
"As per my information your appointment was scheduled for next Thursday and today is Monday. So what are you doing here."- I asked him.
"I am just here to meet Kim."- he said making me more angry.
"And may I know why?"- I asked him.
"Well I just wanted to talk to him you know."- he said.
"Sorry to say Mr. Karan but he is out of the station right now and more over he is not free to talk to you unnecessarily for time pass. You can leave and please next time get an appointment to meet him."- I said and left from their.
I needed to calm down before I explode on the employees. I called May and told her that I am leaving the office as I need to visit my firm as well.


It was 9 o'clock when I entered the house exhausted. I kept my bag on the table and was about to sat down on the sofa when I felt someone hug me from behind.
"You are early P'Khom."- I said.
"Well Kamol made me leave earlier so I directly came here after picking up my clothes."- He said kissing my cheek.
"Okay."- I said and turned around hugging him.
"Now go and fresh up. I have already made our dinner."- He said making me hug him more tightly.
"Just how lucky am I to have you."- I said breaking the hug.
"I think I should say that."- He said pecking my lips and I left for my room.
As I returned to the living room I saw P'Khom was arranging our food ok the table. I went and hugged him from behind.
"Boon, are you fine."- He asked me.
"Phi I am but I am not."- I said being confused.
"How about having our dinner first and then we can talk about it."- he said breaking our hug and turning around. I nooded and we both sat down to eat.
After dinner we both sat down in the living room and I snuggled into him.
"Now tell me what made you upset."- he asked me.
"Well today Mr. Karan came and made a scene in the office and then I have to deal with a stupid client who wanted a divorce from his husband because his husband didn't allowed him to eat sea food as he is allergic."- I told him.
"Well basically you are upset because of Mr. Karan not because of the client."- He said and I nodded.
"Want me to deal with him."- He asked me.
"No, I and Phi can handle him but I am also worried about P'Kim. After his ex he just shut him down from everyone except me."- I said and P'Khom hugged me tightly.
"Have you ever tried to talk to him about this?"- He asked me.
"I did but Phi said he doesn't believe in love anymore and I hate seeing him handling everything alone."- I told him.
"I know but how about sending him on a blind date."- He suggested.
"I tried but he blackmailed me saying if I tried this again he will send me to Italy."- I replied.
"Well then I can't really help as much as I want to because your brother really hate the idea of being in a relationship."- he said and I nodded.
"Well how is everyone in their."- I asked him changing our topic.
"Everything is fine. And maybe this time Kamol found someone."- He said making me look at him in surprise.
"Really, I was thinking of setting my brother with him but let's just say God have some other plans."- I said.
"You was?"- he asked me.
"Wanted to give at least a try I can't see my brother suffering alone. But may be he will find someone better."- I said.
"Phi can we sleep now I am tired."- I said showing him my puppy eyes and he picked me up and we went for sleep.

It was next morning and I was sleeping peacefully when I heard the doorbell was ringing continuously. I saw Khom was sleeping soundly so he didn't wanted to disturb him. I got up and went towards the entrance. I opened the door and saw a group of men. I was confused as to why someone will visit in the morning.
"Yes, How may I help you?"- I asked them.
"Is it Mr. Kim's house?"- One of them asked. From his attire he was kinda of looking like a mafia don.
"Yes, it is. But May I know who are you?"- I asked him.
Before he could reply....
"Who is at the door Love?"- P'Khom asked me as he came and stood beside me.

"KHOM!"- The three of them said at the same time making me flinch.

"Do you guys by any chance know each other?"- I asked them.
"Yes."- Came a series of reply.
"Come inside then we can talk."- I said as I went inside the house.

I told them to make themselves comfortable and I went inside the kitchen for bringing them water to drink.
I served them water as I sat beside P'Khom.
"So, how do you guys know each other?"- I asked no one in particular.
"Let me introduce my self first. I am Kamol, your boyfriend's Boss."- P'Kamol said making the other two look at him with wide eyes.
"Ohh, Hello P'Kamol. Nice to meet you."- I said.
"Nice to meet you as well Baiboon. And can you now tell me where is you brother."- P'Kamol asked me.
"Phi is out of the town right now. Do you perhaps have any work with him."- I asked him.
" Well---

Before he could complete his sentence my phone started ringing. I apologised and went to answer the call.

"Hello, P'Kim."- I said.
"Boon where are you right now?"- He asked sounding tensed.
"I am at home with P'Khom. Why what happened?"- I asked him.
"I will tell you everything just leave our house right now. Jadon is waiting outside he will take you to our safe house ok. And also don't leave without any weapon. Am I clear."- Phi told me. I said Okay before ending the call and went towards my room to pick my gun and Phi Kim's spare gun.

I came outside I saw everyone was looking towards me and Khom was looking at my hand.
" P'Khom take this first and guys we need to leave right now. And please don't ask any question right now I also don't have any idea what is happening. Just follow me."- I told them and they nodded.
We were out of the house when someone shoot my arm.
"Shit."- I said groning.
"Everyone in the car right now."- Jadon said shooting the person who shoot me.
Everyone sat inside the car and we were getting attacked from each and every side. Jadon speed up the Car getting us out of the locality safe and sound but we were still getting followed.
"Jadon the hell is this."- I asked him.
"Boon I can't tell you anything, let Kim come first, he will explain you everything."- he told me.
"For f*ck's sake I know everything but why after these many years you idiot."- I said getting irritated.
"She wants you back."- he said making me glare at him.

"Boon give me you arm. Let me just wrap it for now."- P'Khom said.
"Guys except for me is anyone else injured."- I asked them.
"No we are perfectly fine. By the way if you don't mind can you tell where are we going."- P'Kamol asked me.
"Safe house."- I replied before closing my eyes and kepping my head on Khom's shoulder.
"Hey kid what was that huh. Boss I think it was a trap set by his brother for us."- one of them said.
"Mr. Day I would like to tell you that first of all I don't even know how your boss know my brother, secondly he is not in Russia right now and thirdly if it would have been a trap why would I have been injured rather then one of you. So shut the hell up before I throw you out of the car."- I told him.

"Guys we are here. And boon Jin is in the medical room get yourself treated first."- Jadon said as we got out of the car.

Our safe house was in the country side so it was not easy for anybody to find out about our hideout.
And Jin yes she is a doctor by profession and she works for my brother in the firm as well.

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