Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

I hope you are enjoying my book so far. I'm grateful that you've made it this far! I'm actually having fun writing this book. I love being able to experiment with reality and fantasy. If you've watched Siren, then you know what exactly what I mean. When the laws of reality seems too logical, then I turn to the fantasy to spice up my story. I know that this isn't something new for writers to do but it is still fun to experiment with your limits of the mystical to the scientific. 

I think that this book is healing my inner mermaid girl. Especially if any of you watched Mako Mermaids and your favorite princess is Ariel. Mythology speaks on sirens and mermaids a lot and they are seem very vindictive in certain versions. Aggressive and murderous. In others, they are more mellow. Because of the setting of my book, I have decided to research selkie myths and legends. They are very interesting to read about. I'll be doing my best to add these legends throughout my story. 

It will be very interesting to see how I can weave it all together.

Thank you for making it this far. I hope you are enjoying my story so far! Don't be afraid to comment and vote.  I would love to hear your feedbacks. No new chapters will be published this upcoming week. 

-Queen Narix

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