Chapter : 4 RISE OF JAUNE

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Still in Hyper Space

Some of the clones left to prepare their gear,some went to brief the troops,Delta went to the training room and the Bad Batch went to the mess hall. Jaune hoping they won't start another food fight.

Deck Officer: Sir incoming call from Corusant.

Jaune: patch it through.

Padme: greetings Supreme Commander.

Jaune: miss Amidalla please call me Jaune.

Padme: *giggle* you know Ani would be jealous.

Jaune: please... we're just friends, oh!

Congratulations on the marriage.

Padme: oh thank you Jaune! I hope you can save your planet by the way.

Jaune: its fine with the grand army just a policing force we don't need massive amounts of clones especially the cost to the Republic, that is why I opted for project Unity. Incorporating indigenous recruits to replenish losses.

Padme: well thanks to your idea were no longer hearing complaints from the banking clans.

Jaune: I'm happy to serve.

Padme: you don't need anything from the Senate then?

Jaune: no I'll make due with what I have if I do get into trouble I'll call you. Don't tell Anakin I said that he'll kill me.

Padme: oh don't worry I'll just give him something to keep him busy *in a sultry tone*

'I feel bad for Anakin then' Jaune thought

Admiral Yularen: Sir were exiting hyper Space.

Jaune: give Anakin my regards Supreme Chancellor.

Padme: I will and may the force be with you Supreme Commander.

*Transmition End*

Jaune: Admiral give the order me the battalions will make planet side. The fleet will construct a port on Remnant's moon.

Yularen: understood.

Jaune: this is Supreme Commander Jaune Fett, all Battalions mobilize!

Venitors hangar doors open

A massive amount of LAAT's launch carrying troops and ATTE's and Juggernauts fly towards the planet.

Aboard one of the LAAT's

Jaune: First mission objective, were gonna build a base of operations then build up to an entire city I will leave Commander Cody and the 212th is in charge of construction while Commander Thorn and his Shock Troopers Defend the base.

Cody: Understood.

Thorn: Roger that.

Second protect civilians Commander Wolffe and the 104th will be in charge of searching and rescuing villages under attack by Grimm,White Fang,Bandits or anything else.

Wolffe: Me and the boys are ready to ride fast sir!

Jaune: very good!

3rd establish relations with the Kingdoms, I would likely avoid Atlas since their nothing but nation of industrialists,opportunists,power hungry leaders. I recommend Vale since it is the only government I'm familiar with, after we establish good relations we move on to the other Kingdoms.

I want the 501st to be on standby outside Vale's borders don't make contact with them otherwise we will be seen as an invading force.

Rex: Sir yes Sir!

I want to find out the status of the City I lived in for months, Captain Vaughn you and the 332nd will check the city then report back to me.

Vaughn: Roger that.

Jaune: I will go to Beacon and introduce myself to Head Master Ozpin, Delta Squad and Clone Force 99 your with me.

Delta Squad: sir!

Hunter: Yes Sir

Tech: of coarse

Crosshair: ......

Wrecker: Oh Yeah!!!

Jaune: wrecker no explosions not yet.

Wrecker: awwwww...

Echo: Roger that.

Jaune: all right let's move out!

City in Solitas

332nd reached the city

It was still growing the people are content and happy. There is also a strong fighting force present. Must've been inspired through Jaune's heroic actions.

Guardsman approached Vaughn

Guardsman: state your purpose.

Vaughn: Just checking your city if you need help looks like you don't though.

Guardsman: yeah ever since Jaune saved our City we were inspired to do better. We even created a memorial to honor him in the city square.

Vaughn was intrigued of this and asked the guardsman that the 332nd can resupply and rest before reporting to Jaune.

The guardsmen allowed them passage.

They reached the square and the 332nd was at awe at the statue of their eldest brother and to see people honor his deeds. Captain Vaughn opened communications and reported to Jaune.

Jaune: really? Wow can you get in touch with the City's chief?

Vaughn: right away sir!

Office if the chief:

Chief: oh my! your alive my boy!

Jaune: I see your doing well sir.

Chief: it's all thanks to you my lad if not for you and the guardsmen half of the city would be dead.

Jaune: you exaggerate sir all I did was the right thing. So how are you and the city doing?

Chief: well were doing fine better than before but we've become a target by White Fang extremist because of our apparent friendliness with the Faunus community along with recent Bandit raids. We're still having difficulties growing.

Jaune: I would like to introduce to you Captain Vaughn of the 332nd they are there to support you as a backup garrison please take good care of them their good people.

Chief: THANK YOU MY BOY!!!! You are too kind!

Jaune: you are most welcome for sheltering me at my lowest sir.

Captain Vaughn your new standing orders is to protect that city.

Vaughn: sir yes sir!

Jaune: I never got to ask what's the name of the city chief?

Chief: we were thinking of renaming, but since your here we would like to extend the honors to you our hero.

Jaune caught off guard by declaration but happy he is considered a hero on his home planet shedding tears jaune quickly wiped them away.

The chief and Vaughn simply smiled at the young man's reaction.

Jaune: then I shall rename this City ....

The City of Jango! My father!

Chief: wonderful!

Chapter End

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