Chapter : 24 DUEL OF FATES

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Amity Arena

Jaune looks at Phyrra with a glare

Port and Oobleck: FIGHT!!!!

Phyrra charges Jaune but he kept her away with suppressing fire from his DC-15 rifle

Phyrra jumped and dodge often using her shield, when got close jaune re attached his rifle to his back and switched to his Vibro Blade

Jaune gave the same stellar performance when he fought Qrow

Safe to say that the invincible girl is being pushed back

The crowds cheering

Phyrra: I'm sorry Jaune for everything!!!

She smashed against his blade


Phyrra: I walked away from you hoping the others would get a chance to make amends!!!

He shoves her back


Phyrra: I was wrong! I should have stood by you I should have been you shoulder to cry on! But I failed! I'm sorry!!!

She jumped for an over head strike

I wish that things would go back to what it was

He combat rolled away

I wish that I saved you from Cardin!!!

I wish that I could still be your friend!!


They locked blades

Phyrra: please say something!

With tears in her eyes

Jaune: we'll talk after the tournament

But right now I want to show you how strong I got!!!

Phyrra hoped they can still patch things up

Until her vision suddenly changed

In the bleachers:

Tech: I'm getting that reading again!

Hunter: who's the target

Tech: the Nikos girl

Hunter: Crosshair you see that brat

Crosshair: I got her she's right next to you echo

Echo: got it

Echo spots Emerald and Mercury

Echo: she's got company and their leader is missing

Wrecker: I'm here

Hunter: both of you stun them on the count of 3.



The crowed gasped

That took the attention if the clones they looked back to the Arena

A few moments ago

Phyrra started to act wildly

Jaune tried to block the blows but the moves become unpredictable

She suddenly used her semblance and held Jaune in place

Jaune frozen looked at Phyrra in shock as she swung Milo at him

And sliced his neck

Emerald release her control of Phyrra

Phyrra back in control tries to regain her senses

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