95 7 0

Tech: this is clone force 99 en-route.

Back at the abandoned enemy post

Waxer: hey boile come here.

Boile: I think we should go to the crash site.

Waxer: I thought the convoy would come back.

Boile: I think we should go to them.

Waxer: a hell let's go, just don't fire that thing so close to me I can barely hear as it is.

They make their way to the sit but got cut off by a roaming patrol

They open fire when Boile notice some soldiers try to flank waxer's side

Boile then opens fire but the blaster was so close to waxer's head

Waxer: what did I just tell you!!! I swear to Oum if you do that again I'll....

Another group came out

Boile: aaaaaarrrggghhhh

Boile cuts them down

But notices Waxer hunched over

Boile: hey you all right!?

Waxer: WHAT!!!?

They make their way to a cross road

Boile sign language asking Waxer which way should they go



Boile: not so fucking loud!!! (Whisper)

Meanwhile on the other side

Sgt. Appo was able to elude his pursuers and tries to cross the road until

Waxer and Boile open fire

Appo ducks for cover

Then he peaks knowing it was blaster fire

Appo: CLONES!?

Boile: Ha!

Appo: its Appo!!! You Fucking Assholes!!!

Boile signals Waxer to hold fire its a friendly

Boile: sir, we almost fucking killed you come to us!!

Appo: Fuck you come to me!!!!

Waxer and Boile regroup on Appo position

Then they make their way to the crash site

Meanwhile at Delta and Tup's location

They are engaged by heavy resistance

Boss: draw fire! When this asshole stop to reload you cover me! Go!

Scorch: sir!

Scorch draws fire then quicky takes cover from heavy fire

Boss: again!!

Scorch draws the gunners fire

Boss: keep going!

Scorch: Loading!!

Then the enemy starts to reload

Boss: I'm jammed!!

Tup saw an opening

Tup: I got it!!!

Boss was caught off guard by the sudden action

Boss: ah shit!

Tup opens fire suppressing the enemy position then throws a thermal detonator

The gunner position was down

Boss: Rocket!!!!

Tup ducks for cover as the rocket hit near him and was buried by falling dirt

Boss runs to dig him out

Boss: are you all right!? You okay?

Tup: yeah I can hear bells ringing.

Boss laughs and pulls him up

Boss: cmon!

Back to Clone Force 99

Hunter: alright Tech your flying, Wrecker your gunner, Echo and Crosshair your with me.

Echo: let's get that pilot out.

The Maurader lands a few miles away from the Harken crash site

They make their way to the gunship

Hunter: hey!!

Pilot: over here!!!

Hunter: how bad?

Pilot: the rest of the crew is dead, and I can't move!!!

Hunter: let's get you out of there buddy!!

Pilot: where's the red of your squad!?

Hunter: were it.

Crosshair cover me!!

Crosshair then proceeds to eliminate the advance scouts

Hunter pulls the pilot out

Pilot: aaargh!!!

Hunter: Echo plant the charges!!!

Echo: roger that give me 2 mins


Tech: you don't have time Hunter, were seeing a large battalion headed your way. Me and Wrecker are trying to slow them down.

Hunter: you heard him Echo! Work fast!!

Echo still took a minute to prime the charges

The squad make their get away

A large enemy squad tries to take hold of the gunship

Then it explodes taking out a large chunk of their forces as the team make their way to the LZ

Tech: get in now!

The squad boards the Maurader and pulls out

The Convoy reaches Cody and his 212th and recovers their wounded

Wolfe: get you men on board!

Cody: glad you made it!!!

After that they finally reached the Vanguard Crash site

Wollfe: all units prepare for fast evac!!!

Rex: you heard the man form up

Boss notices Tup limping

Boss: hey you okay!?

Tup: I'm okay I can walk!

Boss: its okay I'm wounded to! Get aboard!!

Rex and the 501st plant the charges

After a full day of fighting

The battered forces of all 501st, 212th, 332nd, 104th finally made their way back to Base with the captured atlas commanders

Reducing enemy morale, causing chaos and severely cripple strategy and tactics

All Ironwood has left are the Ace Ops and a few leaderless companies

This marks the 2nd day of the Republic and Atlasean War

Omake End

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