Chapter 1: Zegion New Look

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Rimuru POV

It's been almost 2 years since I have come to this world, I had told Ciel to bring me to a world similar to Japan and have a different time flow 1,000 years in Cardinal world 1 year

And I'm gonna say this world is really similar to Japan but the problem is they are monster and people with super ability

The monster in this world is always attacking human and the people that has super ability have the duty to protect humanity but some of them using their power to commit crime

So just like in the Cardinal World I decide to reunite monster and human to coexist together, But, FUCK THAT SHIT

Every single monster in this worlds I mean all of them are all SHIT, The first monster that I walk across look like a monkey with four arm and red 4 eyes start attacking me the moment he see me

And I did not kill that monster and try to communicate with him and it seem he have intelligent but there is a problem

That damn monkey looking at me with a loot eyes And make a body posture that said I'm going to suck you dry, and I have no word after seeing that and finish him off with one slap and not a single piece of that monkey remain in the existed

And sometime later I have run across a group of intelligent monster and I try to convince them to help me to build a relationship between human and monster but those monsters did not cooperate and said

Monster:"coexist with human, Hahaha, Don't make me laugh, human is nothing but trash beneath our feet and for us to kill whatever we like same go for you bitc...."before that monster finish his word I finish them off without let anything remain

"FUN"Is that really the only reason all the monster kills human? So I try to forget it and find other monster to help but it's all the same and sometime is even worse

So with nothing to do I decide to live like a normal human and having a job on a gas station night shift, and sometime I go kill monster and help people by wearing my mask so people Don't know what I look like

And Ciel suggest an idea for my two identity as a hero and a normal civilian, her idea is when I want to be a normal civilian I just have to be genderless as I'm right now and for being hero I have to change my gender to a female so people don't recognize it

And I'm gonna to say her idea is, SHIT, The only difference between my normal civilian look and my hero look is chest size

Still I had to go with her idea, but I rather being genderless And to make me look like female I think I only need to increase my chest size

And all the people know me as the unknown hero because nobody know who I am and what I look like The only thing they know that I am a female have a silver blue hair wearing a mask and holding a katana and wearing a black clothes

And right now I hear someone knocking my door and I using my Universe Sense to see who is behind my door just to realize it was Zegion is the one who knocking

Rimuru:'damn it, I'm so lazy right now I don't want to walk and open the door' I thought to myself lazily

but it's better than 3 days ago there was a giant mediator fall in the town So I have to force myself from my day off lazy time and help but when I was about to erase that thing to nothingness someone is already destroyed it and make a many small mediator fall and destroy the whole building and somehow I managed to save the apartment that I live in

So I using one of my hand to grab a table near me and help me get up from The floor and walk to the door and open it

When I fully open the door and I see a big insector stand right in front of me and holding something in his hand and I take a look and I can see it was a pack of meat and I can see a 75% discount tag on it

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