Chapter 2: Rimuru Favorite IDOL

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Zegion POV

It's been a few hour after I kill that big octopus humanoid monster, right now me and Saitama are back to our apartment and before I go back to my Lord's room I decide to go to Saitama room first to test that octopus tentacle is edible to eat or not

When we walk in we were greeted by Genos and when he saw me he asked Saitama who I am? and Saitama said I was that costume monster from yesterday and that make Genos quite surprised

And then Genos start analyzing the tentacle and take some little part of it and start to cook and let Saitama try taste first

Saitama:"not bad, it tastes quite pretty good Even though this thing blood is blue"

After hearing that I start to have a bike as well and it's like he said it's pretty good and i start ready to leave and said

Zegion:"thank you for your time helping if there anything I will help you back"I said and give a little bow

Saitama:"nah it's cool, we are neighbor it's normal for Us help each other"After hearing that I start to leave and go to my Lord room

Right in front of my Lord room I start to Knocking the door, a few seconds later The door open and I can see my Lord with a messy hair cover his face like from yesterday and he said

Rimuru:"Oh you are back, So how did it go on your walk around the town?"he asked and I simply reply

Zegion:"it was really refreshing and I have run across an octopus humanoid creature and I just kill it and I have bring some part of it So I can cook something for you to eat my lord"I said and take a tentacle octopus from my back and show it to him

Rimuru:"Are you sure we can eat this? I mean this thing blood is blue"

Zegion:"Don't worry my lord I already try with someone to cook it and it tastes pretty good"

Rimuru:"Is that so, then I really want to try it but there was an important place that I need to go So I think we should wait for next time"

Zegion:"then when you return back I will make something delicious for you my lord"

After I said that Lord Rimuru nod and start to walk out from the room and start to go to the exit and I just simply go inside and close the door

When I walk in I simply sit down in the middle of the room and close my eye and concentrate myself to feel my surrounding

It's been a few minutes now since I meditating in my Lord room but there is something bothering me

I start to look at my left on a wall, this room and Saitama room is look the same And it should have a door right there like Saitama room Why is this room doesn't have a door there

I start to stand up and walk to that wall and start to analyze it And it came out nothing

Zegion:"there must be something that my Lord try to hide"I said and put my hand on the wall and it's begin to blur for a second and it show a door

So my Lord try to hide something from me by making illusion magic even I cannot detect thanks to Saitama Room I was able to find this illusion

Then I start to open the door but it's locked so I decide to use magic to unlock it and open the door and walk in

The room is pretty dark so I try to find the light switch and open it

When I open the light there was a lot of thing in this room, And I can see many picture of an idol girl on the wall

Zegion:"I remember about this when I look into the internet about the people that like to support their idol girl that sing in a concert that famous around Japan, I think my Lord is among those people"I said and start to walk further in

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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