I Was Only In My Mind

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Usually in the middle of September, the sun would be shining and even though there might be a slight breeze blowing through the air, it would be nice enough to sit outside and enjoy lunch on the grassy fields of their school. Usually, there wouldn't be anything that could happen to change this very normal life event. Usually, sitting with friends on the football field wouldn't be a dangerous endeavor. Or, usually if you considered what normal was like three years ago. Usually if you didn't think about the constant threat of a ghost showing up out of nowhere. Usually if you ignored the blasts of ecto-energy that could be fired without a moment's notice.

The children of Casper High had long since disregarded the dangers of ghost attacks, and did whatever they wanted. Well, that is until the alarms start blaring, the ghosts start attacking, the damage becomes fatal. As of right now though, there was no alarm, no attacks, nothing going on, and so students sat outside enjoying their forty five minute break from classes with more than concerning lunches from the cafeteria. The school lunches were a mere formality as none of the students would be caught dead eating anything from that cafeteria. Well, technically they would be, considering if they ate anything, they would die.

It had been three years since ghosts began making normal appearances in Amity Park, so students and citizens alike have been able to come up with easy ways to detect a ghost, and more specifically if it is a malevolent spirit in the area. Many of these are all thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Fenton's scientific research in regards to the supernatural. With their advanced technologies they have graciously donated to the school and other facilities around their city, citizens are able to easily detect ghosts, mostly before it is too late. Not always, but sometimes.

Other than the scientific technologies, those in Amity Park are able to detect ghosts in a few natural ways. One of which being the temperature. Whenever a ghost appears, it gets to be significantly cooler in the room, and when they leave the temperature increase is almost instant.

It's also easy to tell if there is a ghost that is going to appear by Danny Fenton. It is very well known by everyone in the town that Daniel Fenton was frightened by ghosts. Not just scared of them, but absolutely terrified of them. So much so that he has never been seen in the same room as a ghost. Even though his parents are the leaders in their field of ghost hunting experts, Danny had not gained that hobby. It is uncertain as to if he has a type of extremely high tech that alerts him before the ghost shows up, or if he just has a weird sense for them, but if Danny is ever seen quickly asking to leave for the bathroom or the nurse, or just plain running away, it is almost a certainty that a ghost will show up shortly after.

That should have been the first clue that things were not going to be normal for very long, but people have long since stopped paying any actual attention to the now sixteen year old Fenton. He asked to leave for the bathroom maybe five minutes before their class ended, and has been gone for the past ten minutes.

Instead of running for a safe place to hide, or calling the Fentons for any of their ghost fighting tech, students were calmly eating outside, enjoying what they could only hope would be a normal Wednesday afternoon. It had been a few days since the last big attack, so they were hopeful they would have longer to enjoy the normality. That was a very stupid thing for them to hope for.

It was an unusually hot day for the middle of September, almost 84 degrees with very little wind, so when frost began to form on the football field along with the flowers lining the walkways, it should have been very noticeable. "Should have" being the key words in that sentence. Perhaps thirty seconds had passed before a large explosion could be heard from inside the school, blasting a figure from the second floor building. It crashed into the football field, creating a crater as if it were a meteoroid falling from space. Laughter could be heard from inside the building along with echoing footsteps.

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