Stuck Inside a Hive Mind Fantasy

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"He is not ready. Merely a child, not ready for the responsibility." A deep voice filled the large auditorium room. Or perhaps it didn't, and it just sounded in their heads as if it were being broadcast. No one was quite sure which of them actually thought it, their individuality honestly not a thing. They were all separate entities and they were all one in the same. The past, the present, and the future present themselves to them continuously, in a steady stream. Time was not set in stone, changing always. It is their job to ensure the best parts of time get woven together.

"That was the reason for the trials we put him through. The children we tested showed that he would be respected. His secret was given to the eight humans from his realm, and they still trust and believe in him. There is no reason to delay this any further. The potion is nearly complete, and in two days time the flower will have blossomed. There is no reason to delay this any further." This was a different voice, one that seemed to be more feminine. Black fabric rustled about as observants shifted in their seats. They turned to one another slightly, a strange sense of unease radiating throughout the room. It wasn't a common occurrence to be on separate sides of matters such as this.

"Listen to yourself. He is a child. To have him in charge of the Ghost Realm will only result in disaster. The boy is not able to balance his human life with that of his ghostly responsibilities." Not that it would matter after the ceremony anyway.

"Though that may be true, his coronation will relieve him of those discrepancies. He will not have to worry about his past human life. He will only be left to deal with the Ghost Realm."

"That may be the case, but his core will never allow that. Due to his connection to the human realm, to the people he is forced to protect due to the very essence of his core, he will not be able to ignore those responsibilities. This is why he should not be allowed to become our king at all. His core and his new responsibilities will conflict too much. The Realm will suffer the consequences because of it."

"His protection core will be sufficed by becoming Ghost King. Besides, once he loses his halfa status, his core will shift and change. Losing his connection to the human's world will alter his core so his duty as monarch will take over. Everything will happen as it is supposed to."

Murmurs rang out throughout the large auditorium, and everyone began putting their two cents into the conversation. One observant in particular didn't care regardless of what happened. Sure, the fate of the entire Ghost Realm and human world were currently being decided by them at this moment, but she wasn't a large fan of the future. The future was a drab point in time in her opinion. The past was an important part of time, the thing that decided the present and the future. Changes in the past caused immense changes that were not supposed to happen. If a decision was made that shouldn't have been, they go back to change it in the past, not the future.

She remembered when Daniel Fenton decided not to go down to his parent's lab. She was happy to be able to intervene and give him the fear to get it to work. She remembered watching him. His parents were mere shells of their past selves, barely getting out of bed. They stopped taking care of him and Jazz (not that they'd been doing a good job of it anyway) and they stopped taking care of each other. Fights got to be more prominent, they started blaming the other, and their kids weren't able to stitch the failing family back together. Eventually Jack and Maddie Fenton got divorced, and CPS was called on the two inventors. Jasmine Fenton had been lucky enough to be close enough to 18 that she was only in the foster system for a few months.

Not Danny though. The poor kid was only fourteen years old, and no matter how hard she tried, Jasmine wasn't able to become his guardian, wasn't able to take him out of the unfortunate family he'd been sent to live with. Eventually the kid, poor, lonely, scared, ended up finding a new crowd to hang with. He started smoking weed and other drugs. His perfect grades slipped down, further and further, until he was barely managing a D. And that was when he bothered to show up in the first place. Eventually, he'd progressed further, needing more and more to get a high that took his mind off of his parents both sent to jail for child neglect and abuse that he couldn't get from taking an edible. So, just as the assemblies told them from school, he slipped down the slippery slope of drugs, and started with a newer sparklier substance. The methamphetamine was quick to take over his life and Daniel Fenton died at the young age of 18. Of course, some might think that 18 is better than getting only a half-life at 14, but beggars can't be choosers.

When his parent's portal failed, it was easy to project that future into the youngest Fenton's head, and show him what would happen if he decided to leave the lab with his parents and sister. It wasn't deemed necessary to show him both futures, allowing him to choose which future he would prefer. It wasn't up to him anyway, there is only one future the Observants agreed to, and Daniel Fenton needed to be a part of it as their king. She was just grateful to be given the job of watching his past. Showing him his future, letting him know he was destined to die young regardless, at least he should make something out of the pathetic span of time. Humans always lived to be so young, 70 years was nothing in the grand scheme of things.

She wasn't quite sure when the meeting officially concluded, they all stayed in the same place for however long they wanted to regardless of the pesky little meetings. All she knew was that in two days time, when Daniel Fenton is officially eighteen years of age, they would officially have a new ghost king, and perhaps she would finally be left alone to her devices. Be allowed to simply watch the past shift and change to the perfect time for her to watch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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