Some Assembly Required- 2

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We were back at the library, discussing what we had found out and what we were going to do next.

"So, both coffins are empty. That makes three girls signed up for the army of zombies."

"Is is an army if you just have three?" Willow asked as we walked into the library only to be greeted by the sight of Angel sitting on the table with Cordelia clinging onto his arm.

"Zombie drill team then."

"You're back."

"Angel!" Buffy called out, surprised to see him

"Xander." Angel said, obviously still annoyed at the whole grinding thing.

"Angel." Xander replied in the same tone.

"Willow." I chimed in, not being able to resist. Everyone gave me a weird look while I just smirked feeling proud of myself.

 Everyone gave me a weird look while I just smirked feeling proud of myself

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"I thought you were taking the night off."

"I was, um, but something came up."

"Cordelia told me the truth."

"That's gotta be a first."

"Um, as long as you're here, perhaps you could be of some help. Hmm?" Giles asked, looking to Buffy who sighed in defeat.

"We were investigating. Somebody's been digging up the bodies of dead girls."

"I know. We found some of them."

"You mean, like, two of the three?"

"I mean, like, some of them. Like parts."

"Ew!" I couldn't help but exclaim. I mean digging someone up is one thing, but then chopping it up to do God knows what is just sick.

"It was horrible. Angel saved me from an arm. God, there were so many parts, they were everywhere. Why are these terrible things always happening to me?"

"Karma!" Xander coughed.

"So much for our zombie theory."

"So much for all our theories."

"I don't get it. Why go to all the trouble to dig up three girls only to chop them up and throw them away? It doesn't make any sense. Especially from a time management standpoint."

"Well, what I saw didn't add up to three whole girls. I think they kept some parts."

"Could this get yuckier?"

"They probably kept the other parts to eat."

"Question answered."

"Why dispose of the remains five miles from the cemetery at a school, of all places?"

"Maybe because whoever did it had some business in the neighbourhood. Like, say, classes?"

"Oh. Ah."

"This was no hatchet job. Whoever made those incisions really knew what they were doing."

The Strength of The Wolf is The Pack- Book two- BTVSWhere stories live. Discover now