School Hard- 3

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"Spike." Giles said, after Buffy had told him what had happened at the Bronze. Lucy, Xander, Willow and Jenny were looking though the books on the table. "That's what the other vampire called him? That's a little unorthodox, isn't it?"

"Maybe he's reformed."

"Perhaps he went by another name in... times past."

"Well, whoever he is, we'll need all the help we can get come this Saturday." Jenny chimed in.

"So, this night of St. Vigeous deal. If they're gonna attack in force, aren't we thinking vacation?" Xander asked.

"We can't run, that would be wrong. Could we hide? I mean, if that Spike guy is leading the attack..." Willow shuddered, thinking back to the scary vampire.

"He's intimidating alright. Cool jacket, though." Lucy shrugged, before she noticed everyone giving her looks. "What? It was."

"Well, he can't be any worse than any other creature you've faced."

"He's worse." Angel told them, suddenly appearing. "Once he starts something he doesn't stop until everything in his path is dead."

"Hmm. So, he's thorough, goal oriented."

"I'm sensing that you don't like this Spike." Lucy guessed which was confirmed when Angel glowered at her. "I like him already."

"He threatened Buffy." Willow reminded her.

"Oh, yeah. Well, that's conflicting."

"We were at the Bronze before." Buffy explained to Angel, choosing to ignore Lucy who was still contemplating. "Thought you said you might show."

"You said you weren't sure if you were going."

"I was being cool. C'mon, you've been dating for, what, like, two hundred years? You don't know what a girl means when she says maybe she'll show?"

"Wow, two centuries of dating. If you only had two a year, that's still, like, four hundred dates with four hundred different... Why do they call it a mace?" Willow trailed off, as Buffy gave a look.

"Aww, no go back to calling Angel a slut." Lucy pouted.

"Uh, we do have slightly more urgent matters to discuss."

"Yeah, like keeping my mom away from Principal Snyder tomorrow night?"

"And not dying Saturday."

"Angel, do you know if this Spike fellow goes under any other name?" Giles asked only to hear Lucy's voice.

"Yeah, he left after I called him a slut. Baby." Lucy told them, not glancing up from her book. The others looked at where Angel had been standing, confirming what Lucy had just told them. They turned back to Lucy, confused about how she knew. "Wolf senses. The man reeks of brooding with a slight hint of pig's blood."

"Okay, that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy."


The next day, while everyone was preparing for St. Vigeous, Buffy was preparing a salad for the Parent- Teacher night.

"For three nights the unholy ones scourge themselves into a fury, um, culminating in a savage attack on the night of St. Vigeous." Giles recited, whilst pointing Willow's crossbow away from him and taking away the sword that Lucy had managed to find causing her to pout.

"Does anybody remember when Saturday night meant date night?" Xander asked.

"You sure don't." Cordelia retorted, giving a high five to a snickering Lucy, who had cheered up when she was allowed a dagger to replace her sword.

The Strength of The Wolf is The Pack- Book two- BTVSWhere stories live. Discover now