Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ah yes 5th year in Hogwarts. Another year full of stress, friendship and atventures. Right now I'm sitting in the library, in a window of the library to be spicific. My three young friends are also wandering around somewhere in the sections. Right when I was thinking about them I saw Harry stumble out of a section. Oh yeah my friends are Harry, Hermione and Ron. We went to the library together to find books for school projects. Out of the blue I saw a Owl land on the windowsill of the window I was sitting on. I open the window and let it in, it has a letter with my name on it. The letter says: Dear (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (L/N), I hope this letter reaches you in time. Could you please meet me in my office, I have some things to discuss with you. I expect you at 8pm -A.Dumbledore.

At around 7:45pm I started making my way towards the Headmasters office. I walk through the dark and quite corridors of Hogwarts. No wonder the 1st years are scared to go around Hogwarts alone  after it get's dark, it's quite spooky wandering the corridors alone at such a time, most students are in their common rooms so it's dead quiet. The hallways look quite dead as if no one has walked them in a long time. I finally arrive at the entrance after a good 10 minute walk. I enter the office and step inside. As soon as I'm inside I start letting my eyes look around the office. As wierd as it may seem I have never been in the Headmasters office before, and that as a 5th year, i don't know if that's a good or bad thing but I'll just let Dumbledore be a judge of that. I suddenly hear some movement in the room, I look in the direction from where it came just to see Dumbledore standing there. "Good evening Professor. you wanted to speak with me?" I say looking at him expectantly. "Yes Miss (L/N) I have an important favor that you need to do for me." he says with a serious face. A look of confusion crosses my face. "A favor? What favor Professor?" I ask him wanting to know what this so called 'important favor' would be. But before I could think about it to much he started speaking again: "I need you to go back in time 60 years. Into 1925 to be exact. You need to get informations about someone for me, his name is Gellert Grindelwald. You need to spy on him for 4 years then you can return. Note everything about him that you can no matter how usless it may seem I need to know what he did in those years." he explains witha serious tone. So this is so important that even school can wait... it must be extremly valid informations if Dumbledore wants me to do it. It makes sense he'd ask me to do it my Family is known for lots of experience with time travel, so it doesn't surprise me he is asking me of all people. "If it is that inportant why ask a student? Do my parents know about your idea professor?" I ask him in slight confusion. "You are young which makes it less easier to detact you as a spy. And I also know about your talent in dancing which will help you talk to him from time to time. That's why you are my first option for this mission. I talked about it with your parents and they agreed to my point of view." he awnsers. "Okay I'll do it. I'll try my best but if I seem to fail I will come back immediantly." I say looking at him with a serious exprassion. "Good here is your time turner and a suitcase with clothes and other stuff you'll need." he says handing me everything. I put the time  turner around my neck and start speaking again: "Thank you for your trust with this sir. I'll not dissapoint." I say turning the time turners wheel to the exact year I have to go. Right before I traveled back in time I hear him say: "I know you won't, good luck." then everything started moving around me. After some time everything stopped moving. I stand in the Headmasters office again but this time 60 years ago. "I have been expacting you Miss (L/N)." I hear from behind me, I turn to see a younger version of Dumbledore? Wow and here I was thinking he has always been old. Funny how much his fashion style seems to have changed, don't know if that's a positive thing or not. "You knew I was comming? How does that work? How did you know your future self would sent a student, and how do you know my name sir?" my confusion seems to be extremly evident on my face cause he started laughing. "That's for only me to know Miss (L/N). Here are your train tickets back to London, here is also a map that shows you where you will be living. Now go, It was nice meeting you young witch." he says waving me off. I took everything he gave me and started making my way to the door. I turn around one last time to say:"Thank you sir." as soon as I finished speaking I walked out of the door, closing it behind me. I now walk through the corridors of Hogwarts once again but this time it's 60 years before last time. Wierd if you think about it, Time is such a confusing concept. I always asked myself whene we started learning about the concept of time. How do we know for sure what year it is, it's not like we always knew a year has 12 months, so who? Who figured that out? I started realizing my mind was drifting off. I'm now on a path outside of the castle towards the train station. As soon as I'm there I enter the Hogwarts express in direction to London. After some time the train started moving, so I just looked out of the window to view the beautiful landscapes. After some time I started drifting into a soft slumber.

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