Chapter 2

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Ahrggg who is disrupting my sleep, I think to myself as I felt somone lightly tapping my shoulder.  I open my eyes slowly to be met with a pair off ice blue irises. I look around me just to remeber I was still on the Hogwarts express, I look at the person who woke me up again. A blonde guy somewhere around my age maybe 1 or 2 years older than me. "We are almost in London." he suddenly spoke. Where did he come from I could have sworn I was the only passanger on the train when I entered. "Well thanks for waking me up..." I say not sure what else to say.  "So what's your name?" he suddenly asks. Why does he wanna know my name? This is just so confusing. "(Y/N), and who are you?"I ask rather suspicious of his intentions.  "I'm Peter, can I ask why a Hogwarts student is on a train towards London in the middle of the school year?" he asks eyeing my (Y/H) uniform. Now that I'm thinking of it I maybe should have changed out off my uniform back at Hogwarts. I look at him realizing he is wearing a Gryffindor uniform so he is a student himself. "I could ask you the same thing." I awnsered not replying to his previous question. He now looks down himself realizing his own mistake. "Touché." he awnsers smiling at me like a real dork. He seems nice enough, but I have a feeling he already likes bugging me. I hope he doesn't stay in London for long. I decide not to respond to that, I let my eyes wander to the window to see we're almost at the trainstation. So I start grabbing my stuff and stand up. He is still standing there just looking at me. "Do you need anything?" I ask now rather confused why he hasn't left yet. Haven't I made clear I've got nothing left to say, right as I was thinking about it he started talking again:"Hm? No, but I wouldn't mind knowing the Lady's full name." Really? This is what's concerning him... I don't have time for this, I need to start my mission sooon. "My name is (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (L/N)... and you should propably get your stuff." I awnser looking into his Blue eyes. "I already have my stuff." he says slightly lifting his hand to reveal a suitcase. I look up to him again. "We should walk to the train exit." I say and start walking out of my compartment. I stop and look back at him. "You comming?" I ask looking at him. Looks like I disrupted his train of thoughts because he looked slightly startled. "Yes of course." he says now walking behind me as we make our way towards the exit together. The train soon comes to a stop. We exit and walk our way out of the trainstation. "So what are you doing in London in the middle of the school year?" he asks, honestly I would have been thankful he broke the silence if it weren't for the question. I look at him and say:"I can't tell. Sorry." I actually feel bad for not being able to awnser, he seems rather nice even if he is a little annoying. "No it's fine I understand. I couldn't awnser the question either." he say smiling at me. I softly smile back. "So what year at Hogwarts are you attending?" he asks me. "I'm in year 5, and you?" I ask back now iterested in how old he actually is. "I'm a 6th year." he seems happy I asked him. Presious. "So you're 16-17?" I ask smiling at him. "Yeah I'm 17, I turn 18 in a view months." he awnsers my question with such joy that it actually makes him look adorble. So he is only a year older than me. "And you?" he suddenly asks, I didn't expect him to ask me aswell. "Oh I'm 16." I awnser looking in his eyes again, now that I think of it his eyes are really pretty, they are an aqua blue color. They're so blue that they almost look like dimonds. We are outside the trainstation now. I look at him:"Guess we'll go seprate ways from now on, it was nice meeting you Peter." I say giving him a light smile. "Maybe we'll meet again (Y/N), until then." he says smiling one last time bevore waving me. I actually enjoyed or conversation. I wave back and walk down the road and pull out the map I got from Dumbledore. It shows me where I need to go. I follow what the map says and arrive at a 3 story apartment building. I find the keys under the foot mat It has my name on it so I'm sure it's mine. I walk to the door with the same number on it that the key has. I open the door and get in. After I put everything away where it belongs. I look at myself in the mirror and push my hair out of my face and behind my ear. Suddenly there is an Owl at the window, I open it and let the Owl in. I take the letter it delivered and open it. It says: 'Hey (Y/N) I know this might be wierd but I let my Owl follow you so I could write you. As soon as she saw you enter the house she flew back and I immediately started writing. I was just gonna ask you if you would wanna meet up soon? Maybe saturday? Sincerely, Peter Pettigrew.' I didn't see that coming. I'll awnser him tomorrow it's quite late and I'm extremly tierd from the time travelling. I go into the Kitchen and check the fridge luckily there is food inside so I grab the ingredients and start making some  scrambled eggs with toast. After 15 minutes everything was ready so I sat down and ate my dinner. After I finished eating I cleand the plate and went to have a realexing shower. After I finished my shower I went to bed. And fell asleep almost immediately.

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