Leecha and jing yang

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((As I stated idk shit about hsr or who these two are or what the plot it. So laugh if I got it funny, or cry and cry louder if it's that bad, so I can hear you))

Luocha closed eyes and exhaled. "As I thought, all the leads point to this clan. Clan of a northern lion." He proceeded to knock on the wide orient style door before he's greeted by curious maid. "What's the purpuse of your visit young man?" She asked with gentle tone. Luocha couldn't help but show his id as a police officer. "Miss I'm here just for investigation. A crucial crystal which is needed for a spaceships order has been stolen and by all means I was led to this lovely place. If you would be so kind, take me to the clan leader himself."

After the explanation older lady took him to the head of the class called 'the great Lion', he looked more than friendly, as he greeted him. The elderly lady bowed and took her leave.
The man clothes in light leather armour nodded at him and gestures to sit. "Please take a seat honourable visitor. It came to my knowledge that you're officer Luocha? What a charming name for a charming man I must say, but let's get down to the ground. What seems to be purpose of your visit." Me slightly smiled with glint of malice. There was definitely something off.

After some questioning, it looked hopeless, this man clearly was a something. Just when was Luocha about to leave he noticed a western designed clock which seemed to glow. "Sir, may I look at your clock?" He didn't exactly wait for an answer. He grabbed the clock, it definitely had the crystal inside, he knew it. But just like that he fainted.

"Oh look who's up. Rise and shine officer." The clan leader smiled faintly. "I must say you have a keen eye. To find it like that? But you better remember my name after today. Let the name Jing Yuan follow you in dreams."
"Jing Yuan! You're the criminal I've been after for so long" Luocha tried to stand up but found himself being chained. He tried to break free but couldn't.
"It's sad that you don't even remember me." Jing Yuan looked into far distance. Now that Luocha thought about it, he recognised that face.. but from where ? He was too puzzled. 

"Many years ago you promised me your loyalty in battlefield. I took you as my right hand, but one day you ran off. I searched ups and downs for you. When I finally found you, I understood that I couldn't reach you, so I stole this crystal to get your attention. It's not because I wanted to make others lives worse. I just wanted you back by my hand" Jing Yuan said with a sad smile. He seemed to smile a lot but it was rather business smile.
"Wait, you're that boy with many friends, I thought I meant nothing" Luocha frowned. In the time he quickly uses daggers to cut the rope off and immediately charges at the other man."I must follow law"
The other man sighs and takes out long blade, throwing the other one to the officer. "Let's settle it then"

With that they fought. With a strength of lion he fought the officer. Luocha thought had a strong presence of a demon. The flew up and down and sparred for hours, they seemed to know each others Footworks and technique perfectly. Before they knew, they both fell down besides each other and looked up as slowly falling sakuras. The breeze around them stroked them with a hum.
"You know, maybe I do remember you after all.." Luocha whispered as their hands somehow found their way into another.
"I guess some criminals are just unforgettable"

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