In Paris drawing and rolling cheese

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Don: Yesterday's Chill Zone is today's starting line. Teams depart in the order they arrived, starting with yesterday's winners, the intriguingly "platonic" Best Friends and the superhero girls.

Devin: [reading the tip] Aw, sweet! Looks like we're going to Paris!!!!!!

Carrie: [gasps in surprise] No way!!!!!

Don: Paris, France. Home of the Mona Lisa, tiny coffee's and other things that annoy me like you wouldn't believe. [Cut to him standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower] Once in Paris, teams must make their way here, to the Eiffel Tower and find their next tip.

Zion: To Paris we go!!!!

Lexi: Time to say bonjour.

Zion: That means hello so let's go!!!!!!

Lexi: Great rhyme.

Zion: Thanks.

[Superhero girls interview]

Zion: Paris is the most romantic place in the world during total drama world tour I was on Alejandro's team.

Lexi: Alejandro is Zion's boyfriend from Total drama world tour.

Zion: I just wish he could be here but he didn't want to go because he thought Chris was gonna host the race.

(Zion looks disappointed and Lexi has a hand on Zion's shoulder and Zion looks up and smiled)

(The superhero girls team run to the scooters and gets on a scooter and Zion ignites the engine)

[Superhero girls interview]

Lexi: Zion knows how to ride scooters because she owns a motorcycle she built in our robotics class at superhero high.

Zion: Yeah. My motorcycle is really fast.

Zion's POV: me and Lexi got our tickets to Paris and to my dismay the Melvins were on the same flight as us after we landed in Paris me and Lexi ran and we got a taxi we were in third place behind the police cadets and the ice dancers and we got our tip it was a botch or watch

Third person's POV: Don: In this Botch or Watch, whoever didn't eat the stew Morocco must draw a caricature of their partner. When this local French artiste approves of the drawing, they'll receive their next tip.

Zion: Let's get drawing!!!!!

Lexi: Woohoo!!!!!!!

(Lexi posted and Zion draws and finishes quickly)

Zion: Done!!!!!!

Melvin: What?!!! How are you done so fast?!!!

(Zion and Lexi both look at each other)

Lexi: That is an excellent question........And the answer is why would we tell you???

[Superhero girls interview]

Zion: Since I have super speed I can draw really fast and really precise.

Lexi: It was good that Zion drew because I can't draw because when we were kids my powers to cause bad luck caused me to break multiple pencils and pens.

Zion: Even my pencils and pens.

Zion's POV: I gave the artist my caricature and we got a thumbs up and we got our tip What does it say, Zion??? Lexi asked me It says go down, down, down. Find the cheese so round where your next tip is found. I said If we have to go down??? How far down??? Lexi asked me I don't know. Let's just follow the surfers. I said we went into the catacombs and I used my enhanced smell to enhanced hearing to here water and smell the cheese to find the way out way out of the catacombs

Third person's POV: (Zion and Lexi made it out of the catacombs and the police cadets and the ice dancers made it out after them)

MacArthur: Well, if it isn't the smiling silvertons.

Josee: [kicks the cheese out the way, revealing the next tip, in sign form] I hate silver!!!!!!

(Superhero girls interview)
Zion: Now that's a good kick but of course not as good mine kick.

Lexi: Yeah. Your kicks are very stronger than them due to your godlike strength.

Zion: I once punched a pothole in the sidewalk when we were fighting Lion Mane.

(Zion grabbed the oars and Lexi has the cheese)

Lexi: So where do we take this giant wheel of cheese???

Jacques: [reading] "Take your cheese and sail away to where Mona Lisa's on display."

Sanders: The Louvre!!!!!

Zion: That is the same place where our Paris challenge was held during Total drama world tour.

Don: The Louvre-- home to many paintings I was asked to stop touching.

Josee: Bye!!!! You stink worse than this cheese float!!!!!!

MacArthur: Too bad you forgot your oars!!!!!!!

Jacques: Darn it!!!!!!!

Josee: Jacques, you were supposed to get the oars!!!!!!

(Lexi dropped the cheese into the water and hopped on and catches the oars that Zion throws down and Zion hopped on)

Lexi: Let's go!!!!!!!!

(Lexi and Zion paddle fast and they made it a long with the ice dancers and rolled the cheese up the stairs using Zion's super speed and her godlike strength they made it to chill zone at the same time the Melvins did and got third place)

Third person's POV: Laurie: The thought of coming last made us realize that we needed to step up our game.

Miles: Yeah, we were super charged up.
Gerry: [as the Vegans pedal past him and Pete; surprised] How is that possible??? We're athletes. They eat bird seeds and dust!!!!!!

[The Vegans are then seen eating bird seeds and dust during their interview]

Laurie: Pass the bird seeds.

Miles: You want some dust on that???

[Although it initially seemed like they tied with the Reality TV Pros, the Tennis Rivals got eliminated after Don pointed out that Gerry's foot wasn't fully on the carpet of the Chill Zone]

Don: Reality TV Pros, your penalty is up!!!!!!

[The TV Pros and Tennis Rivals jump into the Chill Zone carpet at the same time]

Gerry: It's a tie!!!! We all stay!!!!!

Don: Not quite. I'm afraid you're going home.

Pete: What??? Why?!!!!!

Don: Your foot wasn't completely on the carpet, it was just out.

Zion: Yeah. You're whole body needs to be on the carpet!!!!!

Lexi: Thought they would have known this by know.

Zion: I mean they are old so..........

(Lexi and Zion both just laugh)

(The tennis rivals leave)

 Ridonculous racing hero girls [Book 5]Where stories live. Discover now