Being Free (EN part)

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I always wondered how would it be like to be free.

Being able to run in the most easy way possible, feeling the wind touching your skin while your feet are standing on the ground, around a bunch of flowers.

Feeling that your mind cannot be stopped in thoughts. Being free to do whatever you want. Running, jumping, walking, everything...

Feeling all the things of the world.

Laying on the ground and stare at the beautiful tint of blue that shows the sky, while the clouds are making some kind of different shapes.

That's what i call, being free.

Being able to choose whatever and whoever you want, being your own person.

Saying whatever that comes into your mind.

I think we all have our own description of free, we all have our own world, our own little corner. We hide in it and stare at the unconscious. 

But like, what do we really know about ourselves?

I don't think anyone is able to answer that question, even a scientist. We are, the most of us, unique.

We are able to create and think what someone can't.

We have the possibility to live in our dreams, only if we truly want.

It's somehow suffocating, working for our own liberty.

But at the end, what is real liberty?

What do we know about liberty?

What is liberty?

I don't think there's a real meaning to this word.

For me, this means we can choose what we want to be, being able to be and look like we want. 

Dreaming about liberty is something we all did, that little world where we are walking through a path we all deep inside us recognize. 

Our true self.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 09 ⏰

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