1. Surprise!!!

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So this is my first story on here, and I hope you you like it!!! Let me know if I should go on with it or anything.

Andrew's POV

Finally landed. Texas. It's been 2 years since I saw home or anything else from where I was used to. I love being in the Air Force but also I love being a normal person. I grabbed my bags and followed my brothers as we were greeted my friends and families. I spotted my parents and my little sister. I dropped my stuff and my sister ran up to me. Oh her hugs were my favorite.

" Drewy! You're home. I drew you a picture. I miss you. " the little, Sarah said.

" Miss you too kid. Let me see this picture. Oh wow, thank you, I'm going to frame it. "

My parents were next. Miss them a lot. They gave me a another hug and glad I was home safe. We headed home and Sarah was telling me all the things was going on.

" Oh sweetheart, you remember Allyson right? She's in a band now and her mom said she's home for her birthday." Said my mom as she looked at me.

" I know mom, she texted me all about it and I saw her on TV. " I said. I knew all about 5 Harmony. It was really cool seeing an friend living her dream. She always sang wherever I saw her.

" I have her cd! Can we play it mommy?" Asked Sarah.

" of course sweetie." And with that my mom was blasting "Bo$$" on the way home.

We lived across from her so when we pulled up, I waved to her parents and her brother.

" Brandon got tall." I said as we got out.

" Drew!!!!" Brandon ran over to give me a hug. It's been too long. Her parents gave a hug as well.

" You're invited. We're surprising Ally, I know she would love to see you." Her mom said

"Thank you ma'am, I'll stop by. Sushi correct?" I said, I remember what Ally usually go when she's home.

"It's amazing how you know our daughter." She said and giving me another hug.

I waved bye to them as they went inside. Brandon smiled at me.

" I'm sure her boyfriend knows her too but to be honest I would be okay if you and Ally got together. Troy is cool but too much into himself. Well I'm sure you want to get settled in, but I'll text you what time because we going to pick her up at the airport."

" Alright, see you, B. Oh don't tell Ally, I'm home, I want to surprise her."

" Alright, I'll let my parents know. Good seeing you home."

" Thanks brother." We did our handshake and I walked in seeing Sarah with all her pictures. I took my present for her that I got while I was away and she screamed and gave me another big hug. I missed her hugs and seeing her smiles. I hang out with her most of the day until Brandon texted me that she was home.

I told Sarah that I was going to see her later when I get back and got dressed and headed to the only sushi she liked in town.

There was so many people and right away the noise was reminding me of when I was out in the field. I tried not to think about it. I saw her talking on the phone in the corner. She seemed sad and heart broken. I hope that Troy boy didn't hurt her. She took a breath and looked up. She gasped as her eyes met mine. I smiled big and walked over her.

" Rodriquez you're home. Oh my gosh you're home." She said as she started crying.

" Hey Hernandez. " I said. Somehow we called each other by our last names. It was our thing. Everyone started clapping and crying.

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