9. Gut feelings.

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Ally's POV.

I woke up the next morning something bad was going to happen. I didn't know what but something was not right. I held onto Moose Moose and play along with my necklace that Andy gave me. Before I got out of my bed, I said a prayer to him and everyone was on the line of duty.

I sat up outing socks on and greeted the girls. I didn't seem so cheerful today but I gave them a small smile. They looked at each other not knowing what to say or do but once I sat on the couch, I couldn't hold my feelings anymore. All the girls surrounded me and just hugged me.

"Is it Rodriquez? Is he okay?" Asked Dinah.

I took some breaths with Camila, as she was really sad and hugged me more. I looked at my baby sisters since I was the oldest of the 5 and still the shortest one and cleaned my face.

"I don't know what it is but I have a bad feeling about today, it's like a gut feeling.

"Aw, Als, we'll do a big prayer for him and we'll dedicated the show for him okay?" Normani hugged me.

The girls grabbed each other hands and bow their heads.

"Um God, this is Camila, well Karla Cabello here, we all laugh at her. It was cute. Guys, I'm trying to be serious here. Anyways, you'll have to excuse them, Mr, but what was I was saying if you can you watch over my friend and the rest of the soldiers for us, I would really appreciate it. Our friend, Ally, Ally say hi to God. Hi God, her boyfriend, best friend, Andrew Carlos Rodriquez, his middle is Carlos right? We all said yes in unison, okay just making sure, is in the Air Force and we want you to watch him over for us. Thank you. We are thankful for each other, our families, friends and our harmonizers. Amen."

We all said Amen and then starting laughing at Camila.

" I love you Mila. You know that right? Thank you for that and making me feel better."

We hugged and I kissed her cheek. The other good job to Camila.

I opened my Twitter app and started tweeting.

@allybrooke Having @camilacabello97 to pray today was funny but I love it. Thank you Mila. ❤️

The girls laughed and tweeted back at me and Camila stacked her tongue at me.

I was really thankful these girls for being my best friends, my sisters and my whole support system. I smiled big at them.

"I love you guys."

"Aw we love you too Ally!"

We had a group hug until Lauren ruined it and then we started laughing and then we want back to what we were originally doing.

Normani was trying to figure something to watch but when the news reporter mentioned something about Troy, my heart stopped.

"Mani. Make it louder."

Everyone looked at me.

"Troy Ogletree was intoxicated driving with his brother Tim who passed away instantly in the car crash. Troy is in critical condition at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The doctors say he's in a bad shape. His family is with him and praying for a miracle."

The reporter kept talking but I lost in interest. He did cheated on me and we didn't say anything after that night. I felt bad. I had to visit him. I took out my phone and looked up his sister's name.

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