4. Concert.

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I bought two tickets for their show, for my little sister and I. We spend time for decorating posters and t shirts for Ally. Sarah used all the glitter in the house and I wanted my poster mean something.

We've been talking non stop but telling her we were going to see her was tough. I love surprising the girl who means the world to me. I haven't said the love word to anyone but to family and I had two girlfriends in the past. I know Ally is super special to me and I didn't want to mess up. Saying that I love her is big for me. I know I do love her. We had the next 10 days till we saw her and we've been dating for two months so far. The concert day was our anniversary which was lucky conscience.

Sarah was always good keeping secrets so I knew if she talked to Ally she wouldn't say anything. We have been hanging out so much everyday. I never got sick of playing with her. We went shopping, taking her out to get food we even went to get a pedicure, her choice not mine.

We tried to do something new everyday. I wanted to spend my time with my favorite little sister before I had to leave again which was late November but that could or not change. It's really up to my General.

Incoming call; Hernandez. 💫

Andy; Hey babe. How are you?

Ally; hi baby, I miss you. I'm good. How are you?

Andy; I miss you too babe. I'm good too. You doing okay?

Ally; Yeah I'm okay, just missing my man.

Andy; I'm always missing my princess.

Ally; Awwwww I want to kiss my king.

Andy; Me too baby. I wish I was with you right now.

Ally; Baby, I want to be with you too.

Andy; Can we facetime?

Ally; Yessss

Facetime with; Hernandez. 💫

Ally; Babyyyyy

Andy; Hi princess. You look beautiful as always.

Ally; Awww thank you babe. I miss your face baby.

Andy; Me too babe. I can't help it, but you look so beautiful.

Ally; babeeeee stop being so cute!!!

Andy; what are you doing besides talking to me?

Ally; we are in the studio as you can see, Dinah is singing her parts right now. Lauren, Camila and Nomani says hi!

Andy; Hi!!! Sarah want to meet Camila?

Ally; oh yeah his sister loves you!


Sarah; Ahhhh Drewy look it's Camila!!!
She started crying

Andy; She worships you. Hey, Sarah want to say hi?

Sarah; hi.

Camila; hi baby girl. What are you doing today?

Sarah; C-coloring with Drewy.
She showed up her drawing

All the girls were three, and I waved at Dinah

Dinah; Hi I'm Dinah!

Sarah; Dinah!!!! Hi Dinah, Drewy look !!!

Andy; I see Sarahs,

Lauren; how old are you?

Sarah; I'm 6 and Drewy is 22 like Ally right?

We both nodded and laugh. The girls had to get recording done but Camila and Sarah had a sad moment.

"I'll text you after babe! Miss you."
"Okay babe. Miss you more."

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