6. Paparazzi.

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She snuggled her head on my shoulder and I held her. She was so adorable.

" I love you Hernandez."

" I love you too Rodriquez."

We smiled and then kissed.

I took her hand as we walked back. What we didn't know was paparazzi.

"What happened to the tall guy? Who are you? How do you know Ally?"

The lights were getting to me, and Ally knew.

"Guys please move, let us get in." She was rubbing her thumb in circles as it was helping me. I kept my head down and tried to hold on to her. Ally banged the door and Big Rob let us in. He moved to his side letting us in and Big Rob told them to go.

When we were away from them, I just to breathe in out slowly as I almost had a panic attack.

"Rodriquez are you okay? I'm so sorry, I should've just stay in with you."

"Allyson it's not your fault, I'm okay. I've been going a center to talk about it. It still bothers me, but I'm getting better at it all. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you. This is just something I'm going through okay? I love you so much."

She gave me a hug knowing she was okay.

" I understand this something a solider goes through, I want to know what I can do to calm you down."

"What you did, making circles helped. I know you knew something was wrong. I can tell you noticed. I love that. I don't want to scare or worry you, what I go through but it's going to take some time to talk to you about this stuff okay?"

"I love you."

" I love you more."

She smiled and kissed me. We walked where I saw the girls laughing and playing cards.

"Hey can we join?"

"Oh yes please do." Camila said. We sat in the middle of Dinah and Lauren.

We played for a long time until Big Rob said it was 2 in the morning. I got straight up knowing I had to say goodnight to Sarah. I hope she's not mad or even still up.

" I got to go."

"Aww Sarah right?"

"Yes babe."

I kissed her and hugged her. I said goodbye and night to the girls and Ally walked me to the door.

"Happy Anniversary baby. I'm in love you you so much."

"Awww I'm in love with you too baby so much. Happy Anniversary."

I waved and headed back to my car and listened to my girlfriend's songs. I came straight through Sarah's room.

Gladly she was asleep. I smiled and kissed her head and quietly said goodnight and sweet dreams and went to my room. I looked at my wall of picture of Ally and I when were about 5 or 6 that I save one I take when I'm at service. She always looked cute. She was wearing a sunflower dress with a pink headband. She was imitating singing a Selena song. I remember that day. Her mom gave us a PJ&B sandwich with grapes after we finished going swimming. I remember that was day I knew I was in love with her.

We went through a lot together. Braces, summer vacations, food fights or even her breakups. As we were growing up people thought we were dating but we never did until now but I always had a crush on her.

I smiled at the thought of her and I cuddled with my own moose moose. Yes I have one too. We both got it together and went to sleep.

I woke up with a smell of bacon. I put a shirt on and saw Sarah looking sad and went back to her room. I forgot about bacon and knocked on her room.

"I'm mad at you Drew. You didn't say goodnight. I waited for you."

"Aw Sarah I did say goodnight but you were asleep. I'm sorry. Come on let me in."

She slowly opened the door and looked really sad.

I kneel down to give her a hug.

"I'm sorry Sarahs. Let's get bacon!" She smiled at me and grabbed my hand and we ate breakfast with my parents.

My dad was a police officer and my mom was a school teacher. Today was Saturday and Sarah wanted to see a movie and my mom had to prepare for her first day of school , so I offered to take her to the movie.

"Can we get popcorn?" She asked.

"Yes of course, do you want a drink?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, what about candy?"

" I can have my own?"

"Yes let's see what they have."

"Hey, how are you, what movie?

"Hey, I'm good, how are you? Um, two tickets for Inside Out."

"Okay would like any popcorn and drinks?

"Yes, do you have a combo with popcorn and two drinks?

"Yes, it's a couples large combo. Would you like any Skittles or Airheads?

"Yes, Sarahs what kind do you want?"

"Um Gummybears!"

"Okay Gummybears and I want Sour Patch Watermelon."

"Okay do you have a rewards card?"

"Um Sarah does mom have a rewards card?"

"Yeah mommy always uses her phone number if leaves it in the car."

After we got everything, we went to the bathroom and got good seats. We enjoyed our movie and we decided to get lunch.

It was a day with Sarah before she has to go to school.

- Hernandez 💫
Hi babe, hope you and Sarah are having a great day, tell her I say hi for me. I love you.

- To Hernandez 💫
Hi beautiful. We are having lunch and then going to the park. She says hi back. I love you more princess.

- Hernandez 💫
You're cute baby. Going to rehearsals so I'll text you after. Missing you baby.

- To Hernandez 💫
You are too babe. Okay. Have fun and I miss you too beautiful.

After the park, we head back home. She was getting tired and wanted to take a nap.

I cuddle with her on the couch and drifted to sleep.

I hope you like it!

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