The disappearance

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After Arden and Paisley had finished freaking out, they noticed something they hadn't before. No one else was on the ride. Arden pulled out her phone to text her mom. "No cell service!!!" She screamed. Paisley calmed her down.

They had to find away to get off their now not-so-favorite ride. When Paisley looked down she realized that cars in the parking lot were disappearing. She announced to Arden " are d...disappearing in the p...parking lot!" And then fainted from fright.

After she awoke, Arden told her that she had found a ladder. The two girls carefully climbed out of the cart over the the ladder. It led to the platform where the ride rested.

They safely got down and hurried to the ticket booth. Again to their surprise there was no one there. "Where is everyone going!!" They yelled in unison.

Then a voice boomed from one of the speakers. "You too have been chosen to participate in the trick-or-treat game. The rules are you must go around the park with a map and find certain objects. Whoever finds me first is the winner. But beware some things....may trick you. There can only be one winner!" the voice said this with great pleasure and then laughed horribly.

They were really confused. All of a sudden two maps appeared in front of them. Arden couldn't betray her best friend, but she was also the most competitive person in their class. Paisley however was not very competitive and believed that nothing could break their friendship. She thought what could happen, nothing happens to the loser.

Arden decided to start from the top of the list the first clue read "Into the sky you can fly high when you choose to ride this ride. It's a riddle she thought. She looked at the map of the park. A flying ride.....of course, the swings.

She quickly ran over to the tall circular structure. She read the next clue "In the control booth you will find not below or behind, but above the shelf filled with rust."

Arden cautiously entered the control booth. She found the rusty shelf and stood on a chair to reach it. On top laid two keys each identical to the other. She believed this was the trick part, you have to choose the right object. How could she be sure she lightly touched each key. She picked up the one that was warmer. Then the voice this time only she could hear said "congratulations you have chosen the right key, good luck on your next clue,"

When Paisley looked down at the list she decided to start from the bottom. The clue read "Around and around in a circle you go, on animals, horses, and creatures so. Next to the cars I sit and wait for someone to be my next bait."

Around in a circle, animals, it had to be the carousel! Paisley thought. Next to the cars, it must be near the front of the park near the parking lot. When she arrived their, she read the next clue. "Look in the mirror and you will see, someone is standing next to me. They will point in the direction to go, look that way grab and go.

She looked into the large mirror that waited in front of her. Someone who looked just like her appeared to be next to her in the mirror, but there was no one there. Her "twin" pointed to towards a bench where two identical sticks so she thought were lying there.

When she got up to them, she noticed that they were not sticks, but wands. Which one should she pick? She took up the one on the left. Then a voice only she could hear announced "so sorry,but you have chosen the wrong wand. Prepare to be tricked in the future." Just as he said that, the first clue on her list disappeared.

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