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What just happened.....where did Paisley go.....will she come back?? All these thoughts ran through Arden's mind as she took in what had just taken place.

Then she heard another scream from the other end of the park. Oh no what if it was paisley this time, she though. She had to find Paisley

Where am I? Paisley realized that she was in an enclosed room with no visible doors. "Will I be able to escape" she said aloud.

Someone slid a note under the wall (because there were no doors to be seen) Paisley picked up the note. It read:

Dear paisley

You will not escape. You will die here. Unless Arden comes to rescue you, but it's time for your trick and her treat.


Paisley really got scared now. She tried to break out, but it was no use. Then it was her worst fears. First a clown, then pitch blackness and the sound of someone being murdered. More to come afterwords. She heard a scream from the other end of the park. What if that's Arden she thought.

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