Protag // Kissing in the Elevator

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Note// ..making out with Protag 🥰🥰🥰 ( I'll just call Protag as Protag/___ and reader as Y/N)

It was Friday.

An ordinary day to go to work.

You woke up and suit up for work, quickly recalling that you have reports to submit in one of the upper floors...

Your apartment was pretty close to the building, so you usually have extra hours to work out, eat breakfast, and get your suitcase ready---

Living alone was tough at first. Yet work had a salary that is able to cover your expenses, so it's all worth it as long as you keep up with your schedule.

"Good morning!" You waved as you managed to see the same familiar ravenette with glasses coming out of the door and locking it behind him. He waved back lightly in response with a tiny smile. His blush went unnoticed.

Protag was your cute, passive neighbor.

Keeping right timing to see a certain person before departing has been something you have looked forward to...

You both may have known each other for 4 years by now--- The strange part was... even when you both work at the same place and live at the same apartment every day, you both never dared to go walk together to work or home.

It made you feel awkward by the thought, wondering if you should go and ask him. Yet since he doesn't seem to mind this situation, you felt like it was best not to put a finger for now - what matters is to get to the train on time...


It was almost time to wrap up... You just needed to hand in some more files, and you'll be good to go. 

"H-Hold the door, please...!" A voice quickly said as footsteps scurried to your direction.


You quickly put 3 fingers on the door once you heard the plead, adjusting your hold on the files before looking outside to see Protag approaching.

He entered the elevator swiftly, panting midway from all the sprinting he was doing.

"Thank you.." You could hear him mutter as he tilted his head down. You nodded back.

"Which floor..?" You asked calmly.


You looked at where the buttons are - pressing the said button before stepping back lightly.

It was a deep silence... only the elevator music can be heard, and the small occasional breathing that was being subdued from your raven-haired colleague. You were zoning out for a bit, knowing the elevator was taking some time to get to the destination floor.

You couldn't help but feel something staring you from the side, yet you tried to mind your own business...


Yeah, no. As if you wanna let this slide---

You turned your gaze away from the doors to look back at where Protag was, who happened to have been staring at you for a while.

Instead of being annoyed, you found it quite endearing the way he looked deep into your eyes still.

"Draw a picture, It'll last longer~" You playfully said before giving a suggestive wink.

This action made the other immediately turn away so fast in embarrassment... you could see the red complimenting the color of his skin...

Once you thought it was your turn to get out, the doors strangely haven't opened yet.

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