6. Fall (2)

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She was always special, and extraordinary. She was the leader, a warrior and a beauty. From childhood, Kawashima was taught she was an apex predator.

A father who owns a billion-dollar company doted on her and trained her to master her exceptionally powerful quirk.

Air blast, while not the flashiest, was certainly destructive, she was able to release powerful compressed blasts of air from her palms, and her quirk acted in tandem with her emotions. The stronger her emotion, the stronger her blasts. Theoretically, she'd be able to collapse an entire skyscraper if she felt the most intense of emotions.

Regret. To feel despair or sorrow for an act. Kawashima had never felt regret, in her eyes everything she did was justified. What was her justification for slandering Ochako over three years?

Simple, a lower organism had breached the hierarchy. A lowly cat played around with a group of tigers. If Kawashima was a Siberian tiger, her allies or as she liked to call them, her assets were all from the same species, a Bengal tiger, a Sumatran tiger.

One of whom had already betrayed her, the sting of betrayal was bitter... Her loyal pawn had turned against her and revolted leaving her to pick up her fractured remains, she would glue them together now.

That was the plan, however the pity they all showed for her was sickening...the kid who healed her as if she were a nightingale with broken wings, Izumi who offered her his shoulder as if she were some a lame person in distress.

They were all looking down on her, for god's sake...she was just startled by them, there was no way she was weak. (right?) The unity in members didn't apply to predators like her, a tiger could always take out a pack of wolves with ease.

Right...she just had to keep her composure, then she'd be able to beat the shit out of them all, how dare they, always messing with her plans.

Maybe, she'd even have them expelled from Somei, she had no use for a bunch of weak-minded traitors in her territory. She reached the main ground that surrounded Somei.

The moment she broke the door of the basketball court, She knew she'd struck gold. It was a gamble, practically no one used the old indoor basketball court and it was Kawashima's hideout, one that she used to share with Akane and Junko, the former had betrayed her and looked at the crowd of 20-something people she found Junko's twin blonde pigtails.

Her pawns had betrayed her, as the Queen it was her responsibility to eliminate any traitorous pawns. Ami took a deep breath, this time her face remained neutral.

Maintaining Composure was difficult and something she'd been struggling with from a very young age but she'd mastered the art of making a poker face, so she could at least feign composure.

"We knew you'd be here Ami-chan....ya see, a few and by a few I mean a lot of people hate you, we were just scared of the consequences. But, yesterday when your ass got whooped by Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka I gathered my courage, even though your dad is supposedly the board member, they didn't get expelled....You bitch, your dad has no real power over what goes on in school right??? You've been lying to us forcing us to lick your boots for years... Fuck you, Today we'll show you that the world doesn't and will never revolve around you.."

Akane's face was contorted in anger, and Ami's head swam around in thought "Why didn't Dad get them expelled?Why?Why?Why?" Ami shook her head and pushed her thoughts back into the depths of her mind.

Fuck, she mustn't lose her cool, that's why she got defeated by these nobodies. The moment Akane finished her speech, it almost seemed like a switch had been flipped.

10 members rushed forward, activating their quirks, Ami took a quick note, they were all melee combat type, and 2 girls had a mutation in place of hands they had scyther-like blades.

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