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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 had barely begun its ascent when the Great Hall of Hogwarts resonated with the lively clatter of cutlery and the murmur of conversation, as students indulged in the morning's repast

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 had barely begun its ascent when the Great Hall of Hogwarts resonated with the lively clatter of cutlery and the murmur of conversation, as students indulged in the morning's repast. They eagerly fortified themselves for a day filled with the enchanting complexities of spellcraft and arcane knowledge.

However, at the advent of the sweet finale to their meal, an unusual interlude occurred. Desserts of every conceivable shape and variety had just materialized before the young wizards and witches when the anomaly presented itself.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, along with a select few of the faculty and pupils attuned to the subtler frequencies of magic, halted mid-motion, their spoons hovering mere inches from their lips. A peculiar tremor, at first barely perceptible, began to emanate from the hall's ancient bronze serveware, causing a symphony of metallic vibrations.

The tremor escalated, its resonant timbre filling the air, emanating from the platters and bowls before them, which shuddered in unison. Confusion spread as everyone soon felt a corresponding shiver ascend through the solid oak benches upon which they were seated.

Dumbledore exchanged a quick, weighted glance with his fellow professors, a silent query mirrored in their eyes-a wordless "What on earth?"-as if their thoughts had forged a transient link. They all knew the castle was anchored upon enchanted ley lines, shielded by spells against the very tremors that now shook them. Whatever the cause, it was not born from the natural magics of the earth.

Then, the Great Hall's bewitched ceiling, which had been a window to a tranquil, starlit sky, began to transform. In its place, a menacing expanse of storm clouds gathered, roiling across the magical firmament with the ominous grace of a tempest's advance. A gentle but eerie zephyr whispered through the hall, stirring robes and hair alike.

This atmospheric tumult drew the inquisitive gazes of many, especially the Ravenclaws, whose knowledge from "Hogwarts: A History" confirmed that the ceiling merely mimicked the weather, rather than embodying it.

Suddenly, a thunderous CRACK split the air, its source shrouded in mystery, yet potent enough to jolt every soul within the walls. The torches, ensconced in their sconces, flared wildly, then stabilized with a burnished glow of gold and silver. Their luminance cast elongated, dancing shadows that transformed the Great Hall into a chamber more ancient and mysterious than any had seen.

In that moment of elemental spectacle, a lightning bolt, forged by the enchantments above, struck down, its afterimage etched against the eyes of the observers. Thunder rumbled in its wake, an auditory harbinger to the arrival of an enigmatic group of figures framed within the towering archway of the Great Hall's open doors.

"Who are you?" Demanded Dumbledore, his voice firm and unwavering, as he and the assembled staff poised their wands, a united front prepared to shield their students from any threat.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃: harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now