Chapter 26: Captured

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Emma's POV

I walked in to see Elijah standing by the window, looking out. When the door closed, he turned towards me. I had no clue why he would need to talk to me. He knew nothing but my name and my relationship with Elena. Despite my nerves, I decided to speak first. "So, what did you and Elena talk about? Did you reach some sort of agreement with her?"

"Yes. When the time is right, she and I will draw Klaus out, and in return, I will protect those she cares about, along with freeing Stefan from the tomb." Elijah responded.

"Those she cares about, but not her? Is there no way for her to survive the sacrifice?" I asked, deflating at the thought of losing somebody else that I cared about.

"There may be a way for her to survive it, but I do not wish to divulge that information as of yet." Elijah replied. "Is there anything else you wanted to ask?"

Finally, a chance to get some answers! "Why were you so determined to take both Elena and I back when you first met us? There's nothing that special about me. So why try to take me, too?" I asked.

Elijah paused. He seemed to be thinking about how to answer the question. "Let's just say that, to me, you are someone important. Someone that I wish to protect, even outside of the deal I made with Elena." he replied.

"But why am I important to you?" I asked, even more confused.

"You'll find out in due time. For now, it's safer for you to not know. Just know this, you have nothing to fear from me." he said.

I blinked in confusion, and once I opened my eyes, he was gone. Important to him? Someone to be protected? What the hell does he mean by that? I left Elena's room with more questions than answers. I decided to just call it a night, hoping to actually get some much needed rest.

A couple days later, I heard news that Rose had died. She was bitten by a werewolf, and had to be killed since she had started going rabid due to the werewolf venom. I felt kind of bad for her, but it didn't hurt too much since I didn't know her well. I was told this over the phone with Elena while I was in the car with Caroline. We were on our way to the town square for a memorial service being held for those that, apparently, Rose had killed during her rabid rampage.

I decided to stick near Caroline the entire time. I wasn't really a social person, and I felt comfortable with Caroline since she and I had been getting closer since she found out about my abilities. I only split with Caroline for a few minutes to say hi to Bonnie.

Nightfall came quicker than expected and Caroline decided that it was time to drop me off at home. On our way to her car, we heard Matt call from behind us. He and Caroline had a short conversation. They made plans to meet up at the grill the next day to talk out whatever had been going on between them lately. When Caroline was about to unlock her car, someone else approached us. "Excuse me." we heard a woman say from behind us. "Caroline, right? I'm looking for Tyler. Have either of you seen him?"

Caroline shook her head. "Nope, not since earlier. Sorry." Caroline responded. I, too, shook my head, indicating that I hadn't seen him at all that day.

Caroline turned around and unlocked her car. When we were getting in, the woman spoke up again. "I know you're lying."

Caroline looked so done with this conversation, but responded anyway. "Really? How? Is that one of your little wolf tricks?"

Wolf, so this must be Jules. I remember Damon mentioning her in a conversation. "Actually, it is." the woman, Jules, responded.

Caroline turned around and responded. "Well, I have a trick, too." Caroline turned back around to face Jules with what I like to call her 'vampire face.' Jules, though, looked unaffected and sprayed what had to be vervain in Caroline's face. I rushed over to Caroline to see if she was okay. Some guy approached us and he shot Caroline before she could fully recover. Before I could react, Jules knocked me out from behind.

I jolted awake when I felt unbearable pain run through my shoulder. I screamed. What they hell is going on. "No!" I heard Caroline scream.

"Maybe now you'll answer me. Don't want me to shoot your little friend again, do you? She doesn't heal up like you do." I heard a man speak. I managed to crack my eyes open to see that we were in a cage built into what looked like a camper. "I'll ask again, how many vampires live in Mystic Falls?" he asked as he looked at us expectantly. Neither of us answered. He shot me again, this time at my leg. I screamed again, trying to cover both of my bullet wounds.

"Why are you doing this to us? Why?!" Caroline cried out. I looked her over. She had blood on her head, hands, and one of her legs.

"You're a vampire, and she is a friend to vampires. Why not?" he said before he blew small, sharp wood chips at her. "I'm sorry, what was that?" he said as Caroline cried out in pain.

"Get us out! Let us out!" she screamed as she started kicking at the bars, desperate to get out. I just focused on keeping my hand on my bullet wounds, trying to slow the bleeding. He spent hours torturing us. Caroline took most of the hits since she could heal faster. I, thankfully, wasn't shot again, but I had sharp wood chips blown at me a couple times. I didn't bother removing them. I kept my hands firmly on my bullet wounds.

They left briefly, I assume to talk to Jules. "Stefan, Tyler, and Damon are here." Caroline said from next to me when that guy left.

"They are?" I asked, relieved. We're saved!

"Yeah, but there are a lot of werewolves-" she was cut off as the door opened. It was Tyler. "Tyler! There's a latch! There's a latch on the door and I can't get to it!" Caroline exclaimed, wanting out. Tyler hesitated. "Tyler? Tyler, please! Tyler?"

Finally, Tyler made up his mind and helped Caroline open the door. He held it open while Caroline helped me crawl out. Every movement made my bullet wounds burn. Caroline helped me outside since I couldn't walk with a bullet lodged into my leg. Not that I had the strength to, anyways. My strength was fading fast due to the blood loss. The moment we were outside, Jules pushed Caroline and I against the side of the camper, not doing any favors for my wounds.

All of the sudden, the remaining wolves started yelling out in pain. Jules released us as she clutched at her head. I collapsed when Jules released us. I didn't have the strength to hold myself up. I managed to look up to see what was happening. Two figures emerged from the forest. One being what had to be a witch, and the other being Elijah. We all watched in confusion.

"I made a promise to Elena. We're here to keep it." Elijah said.

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