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Noah pov

I woke up pretty early today even tho yesterday's night was amazingly tiring. I woke up to a brown hair shortie in my arms sleeping peacefully. It was normal for him to sleep until 10 or 11 am. Especially after yesterday night I am sure he will sleep until afternoon. After that,I slowly got up and tip toed to go to the bathroom and shut the door. Even tho, I tried to be quiet I am pretty sure Michael heard me.

Michael Pov

I woke to the sound of a door closing. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that Noah was not in bed with me. He was just probably showering because I heard sounds coming from the bathroom. I decided to just keep sleeping as I very tired because of last night. I guess I have to take half the blame for it. I was the one who agreed anyway.

Noah Pov

After, I got out after showering I was not surprised that Michael was still sleeping, it was normal. I got dressed and walked up to him, he honestly looked adorable in my pants even tho he was kinda half naked but still he looked adorable. I got out of the bedroom to the kitchen to make some food for him. I am Pretty sure he would like some food after he woke up from his sleep. I wanted to cook his favourite which is just a smoothie with eggs and some toast. He probably got the toast addict from his father. But, if it is what he wants then I will make it for him. It only took a while for me to cook his and my breakfast, and yes I also just made some tea and an omelette for myself. I looked at the time and noticed it was already 10.30 in the morning. And Michael is still not up, I decided to wake him up myself instead, I didn't want him to skip breakfast. I walked in the slightly shadow room. It was still kinda dark because Michael begged me to get some blinds that make the room dark no matter what time it is. I walked up to his face and he looked so pretty, as much as I don't wanna wake him up I had to or else he would 100% skip breakfast and just eat ounce instead. He is already too skinny I want him to eat more. I slowly shake him to wake him up and surprisingly that worked.

Michael Pov

I worked up for the set second time this time to Noah shaking me awake, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already late. I got up and went to the bathroom. After I am done, I went to the kitchen and found some already made breakfast and the best part it was my favourite breakfast. Noah was already sitting there eating his omelette, he noticed me told me to come and eat with him but the way he said it made me have butterflies especially when he calls me pet names. For example love, sweetheart, darling but the one I like the most is mi amor as well as buttercup and sweet pea. Those names made me want to die from love. However that was not my concern, right now my concern is my delicious food. I took big bites again and again and again not even stoping to talk to my love in front of me.

Noah Pov

I invited Michael over to eat with me. I watched him as he was devouring his plate, he looked so cute. I wonder to myself how did I get so lucky to get with a perfect partner like him. I will never let him go, he is forever mine and mine only.

Finally done with this chapter!!Tell me if you guys like it💕

651 words

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