Surprise( part 3)

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A chapter in early July, Woo! I was suppose to post this yesterday as a chapter in the first day of July but my procrastination won again so I am posting it on 5th of June instead. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Oh I just wanna clarify whenever there a "....." it's the other person speaking btw. Hope you enjoy

Noah pov:

As I was eating I kept glancing at Michael as I am wondering why was he so worried about me asking what was he thinking about. Hoo, calm down it's probably nothing but it wouldn't hurt to ask again, right? Hey Mike... why are you thinking so much.

Michael pov

Oh it's nothing. Say can you meet me later after dinner?please I have something to show you. Noah agreed even if he looked skeptical. I promise I'm fine love but could you meet me at the living room later. He accepted but he looked nervous. Noah, there's nothing for you to worry about. Since we're done with dinner I'll wash this and you can go wait ok? I'll see you in the living room later love.

Noah pov

Now the anticipation is killing me im wondering what he has in store for me, it must be special considering he has been weird these few days maybe it's about a celebration but what celebration would it be tho. It's fine I'll know in a minute anyway. But still this is keeping me curious I really wanna know now but I guess good things take time. I'll just have to be patient it won't take long anyway since Michael is already finishing the dishes. Hm maybe I'll just take a small peek and it'll ease my curiosity a little but would it be considered disrespectful? Since I'm technically ruining the surprise for myself but oh I really wanna know. Calm down Noah just sit tight and you'll get to know it eventually. Patience is key........ yeah I am running out of patience every second of sitting here why is it so hard to just sit here and let Michael do his thing it's not like he will keep me waiting but it is so hard. The sound of him doing the dishes is already driving me crazy. Maybe the surprise is about an anniversary? But our anniversary is not even close yet it's still in a couple months but what would it be then. The sound of Michael finishing the dishes*** omg finally he is done I am running out of patience not that my patience is high but eh.

Michael pov

I saw Noah looking at me when I came in, is he really that curious. Hi love, you okay. "Yup I'm fine can you tell me the surprise now" sure love. So I got you a surprise trip. He looked speechless " really?" Yup and it is an amusement park!!! "Omg love, you shouldn't have" yes I should you deserved a break. And I also got you something else. "What is it, doll?" I got you matching bracelets!! "Really" yup look mine is a little heart while yours in a big heart with enough space to fit my heart in. Isn't that so cute "yes it is indeed cute love, you really gone out of your way this time" it's nothing love. Unlike you who always gives me gifts that are priceless "don't say that love this gift is also priceless it looks so pretty" " more importantly it's a symbol of your love, your love for me, I'd say that's pretty priceless, doll" " but seriously thank you for this I will always wear this I promise, to work, to the market, to anywhere honestly, I will wear it." Thank you, love now let's go to sleep it's been a long hasn't it. "Yup, we both need sleep now."

Noah pov

As soon as I said that Michael immediately doze off, if I was completely honest he looked so cute, he looked precious I wont let anyone hurt him and that is a promise but for now I'll get him to bed , this surprise will always be in my heart no matter how old I am this is gonna be one of the highest points in my life. I'll love him with all my heart. Sweet dreams love

Woo hoo, finished with this chapter. It took me too long to write this but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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