Au explanation: part 1

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I will explain my au soon and hopefully you guys will get to know my characters more. I wasn't actually suppose to make an explanation but I wanted to make more characters and make a better and long backstory. So bear with me here, I'm trying to make their story angsty, fluff, a little confusing but overall very enjoyable. Hope you guys are ready to know the characters .❤️✍️ I will post their backstory part by part soon. And also their explanation and personality.

Let's start with the characters. Obviously we will have

The Afton family: I will make a story about each of them later

William Afton
Vincent Afton/Morgan
Michael Afton
Elizabeth Afton
Christopher/ Chris Afton  

The Anderson

Richard Anderson
Marie Anderson
Noah Anderson
Molly Anderson

The tormentors

Michael Afton
Mark Quinn( I know this name sounds weird but I'm running out of ideas k)
Simon Hartz
Alex Carson

William's family( basically Williams parents and bla bla bla)

Oliver Afton
Evania Afton
William Afton
Ava Afton
Elijah Afton

The Morgan's

Elliot Morgan
Adeline Morgan
Vincent Morgan
Mason Morgan
Lucas Morgan

The Emily's

Henry Emily
Rosalia Emily
Clara Emily/Smith
Charlie/Charlotte Emily
Sammy Emily


Daniel Presley
Goldie/ golden fredbear

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