chapter 3

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Before reading the chapter,here is a warning:
-drug addiction (especially mentioned)
-physical abuse

After a few hours of tos' work,he finally finished hacking smg4's Internet one noticed,luckily.tos' eyes were filled with exhaustion as he closed his laptop and went to bed.but even tho he was exhausted,he couldn't sleep.he was overthinking again.tos got up from bed and went to the bathroom to grab melatonin from the cabinet.once he arrived to the bathroom,he opened the cabinet and grabbed the bottle of melatonin.he took one pill and but then a sudden thought came in:"what if I take the whole bottle? Will I never wake up or..?" So Tos grabbed five more pills and went to bed.then he finally fell asleep.

Morning,10 am

Tos woke up at 10 in the morning and he still felt tired,even after those six pills of melatonin.he felt like he was addicted to those pills,but he didn't want himself to be too addicted.tos wanted to prepare himself for the day,but he couldn't get up from bed,he felt like his whole body was dead from all the took Tos thirty minutes to get up from bed and get ready.he didn't eat breakfast before he left to work.he arrived at the office,and saw puzzles sitting in his office chair.

-"well,did you do what you were supposed to do?"-puzzles said in a serious tone,ready to explode at any moment.


Puzzles' face immediately became concerned for what happened to Tos last night.

-"are you okay..?you look.. tired.."

-"I'm okay,boss.don't worry..just...stayed up to hack smg4's internet system.."

-"are you sure you aren't lying to me..? You look like to took some kind of sleeping drugs or something.."

Tos sighed and said to puzzles in a serious tone:

-"fine,you caught me.i took six pills of melatonin last night.."

-"HOW MANY!?"-puzzles yelled out in shock.

-"six.i took that many,but I originally was about to take the whole bottle."

-"what..? Why did you want to take the whole bottle in the first place..?"

-"my thoughts said so.but I just took five more pills to not kill myself or whatever."

Puzzles then hugged Tos tightly.tears began to form in his eyes and he said in a worried and concerned tone:

-"don't do that again..please.."

Tos hugged back puzzles and the two were just embracing each other in the puzzles' office. suddenly,they heard a knock on the door.tos was really confused on why someone was knocking on the door, because only him (the assistant and co worker)and puzzles (the tv host)were able to enter the studio.tos let go of puzzles and opened the was kornel,Tos' enemy.tos looked annoyed when he saw Kornel just there with his smug smile.

-"the fuck do you want?"-tos asked annoyed.

Kornel didn't say anything and he lunged at Tos,tackling him to the floor.kornel was hitting Tos with his fists while tos tried to resist it.


Puzzles grabbed Kornel off Tos as Kornel tried to get away from puzzles' grip.then,puzzles threw Kornel out of the door as he kneeled down to tos,who just sat up.he grabbed tos' hand and said in a concerned tone:

-"are you okay..?"

-"I'm fine, don't wor-

Tos felt puzzles hugging him tightly to comfort him.he buried his head into puzzles shoulder to comfort himself as much as he can.little did puzzles know,Tos was burned out.he couldn't handle life that much and he wanted to kill himself but couldn't.tos at that moment realized that he just wanted for someone to care about him,and that person was Mr puzzles himself.

smg4 story:the show must go on! (continuation of puzzlevison)Where stories live. Discover now