chapter 1

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Before reading,here are some warnings to the chapter:
-some spoilers to "smg4 movie:puzzlevison"
-demons (maybe possession)
-hate(especially self hate that Astria points out)

Puzzles was gone,he couldn't control the crew anymore.his screen showed static and no signal.meanwhile,his assistant,tos,was sitting in puzzles' office,when he heard a loud bang on the roof:

-"What the..?" -he said confused.he thought something hit the roof,which it did but he didn't know what was on the roof.tos grabbed his gun and quickly ran to the roof.once he arrived,he saw puzzles in his TV form and his screen showing "no signal":

-"shit..I really have to do this bullshit..? How did he get here all broken in the first place?"

He walked up to puzzles and grabbed him and immediately went back to puzzles' office.once he got there,he put puzzles on the desk and he looked at his static screen:

-"looks like you got defeated.don't worry,as an assistant,I won't let that slide.."

He said in a serious tone.he picked up
Puzzles again and put him in the corner of the room and then walked up to the monitors that showed puzzles' old shows that haven't got a five star rating.some monitors showed the show "western spaghetti",some "Mario's mysteries" and the other monitors other shows that Mr puzzles made.tos looked at the characters who weren't there anymore and had a strange language when they were gone.then it suddenly hit Tos,the plan that can somehow work.or maybe was a fifty fifty plan.tos grabbed a piece of paper from the desk and began writing:

"So the plan goes like this.i'll try my best to brainwash the crew through the internet.they may not fall for mean hacking their devices and sucking them into the device and then once they get to the dimension where they can't escape,then I'll brainwash them into being puzzles' puppets again,or should I say,our puppets."

Tos finished writing the paper and put it on the desk as he walked up to puzzles,who was in the corner of the room and kneeled down to him:

"Don't worry,I'll take care of this,sir."

Tos got up again and walked out of puzzles' he was about to leave and shut the door behind him,he heard a annoyed,quiet British voice that said to him:

"You know,you really have to take care of those idiots that have tooken him down.if you don't take care of it,it's possible that you'll end up screwed over by puzzles himself.well,once he gets conscious again or something.."

The voice that said this to Tos was Astria,the albino spider demon that possessed Tos for almost 3 years now.
Astria had black clothing on him and he had red bandages on his six arms.he had bloody red eyes and fangs that contained toxic poison in them.astria was both a innocent and evil demon that was able to kill anyone if he wanted to.but most of the time,he doesn't want to kill anyone because it wouldn't make really sense if he killed anyone in his path all the time.tos didn't dare to turn around and Astria was there who had his six arms behind his back:

-"What do you want,freak?"

-"nothing,just saying what you should do."

-"you're not my boss,you son of a bitch,you are literally nothing but a parasite that just mocks me for who I am."

-"so? Who cares about you anyway tos? you're nothing but a whiny guy who just can't handle hard stuff because you're such a baby."

-"shut up and leave,I don't want you here."

Astria suddenly was gone once Tos looked back at him,he signed and went up to puzzles again.he saw a couple of TV wires so he connected them to puzzles' head and he waited.after a few seconds,the TV grew a whole body, and the screen glew white.the body sat on the floor as Mr puzzles began to regain consciousness.

-"where... where am I..? The last thing I Remember is when smg4 hit me with Luigi the meat mallet.."

-"it's okay now boss..we'll get them again..but this time differently..the adwares won't work you know.."

-"r-right..what about the tv shows? Did they get a five star rating yet..?"

-"unfortunately not."

Puzzles looked at the monitors that had no characters as he held his chest in pain.

-"once I hit that five star rating on one of my shows..nothing will stop me.."

-"more like us"

-"us..? The hell you mean us!? I'm the tv host and I'm the one who is in control!"

-"have you forgot,sir? I'm literally the backbone of your shows,I do all the editing,all the animation all of the bullshit that is in tv shows,and you just wrote the stories and direct them."

Tos looked slightly annoyed now as he spoke in Polish.

-"całe życie z debilami.."

Puzzles heard what Tos said and questioned him:

-"I'm sorry,what was that?"

-"nothing.just talking to myself for a moment.."

smg4 story:the show must go on! (continuation of puzzlevison)Where stories live. Discover now