chapter 6

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Before reading the chapter, here is a warning:

The next day

Tos was just hanging out with puzzles in his house.they plan that they did Yesterday went surprisingly well.tos and puzzles were playing uno until puzzles had an idea,a very stupid idea.

-"um..I have a question..are you single?'

-"are you trying to ask me out of something? If so,then I'm not pretty interested."

-"just asking..and no,I don't want to date you or anything..~"-puzzles said in a flirty but sarcastic voice.

Puzzles then grabbed tos' hand as Tos began to blush.all puzzles wanted was to tease him.minutes passed by and the two were still "flirting" with each other.puzzles had his hand on Tos' chin for Tos to look at him directly in the eyes.while Tos had his right hand on puzzles' back.tos suddenly had an idea.he leaned over to puzzles' neck and bit it.puzzles began to blush and breathe heavily as his heavy breathing turned more into soft moaning.

-"you like that don't you?~"-tos asked him in a flirty way

-"i-i guess.."

Tos was on top of puzzles while puzzles was on the bottom.the two were just cuddling on the couch.tos' tongue was sticking out a bit like a small kittie's would.puzzles was starting to fall for tos for a bit.even the he was seen as a narcissistic,greedy tv host,Tos always loved him.tos then got reminded by his mind that he should now brainwash the smg4 crew,so he asked puzzles:

-"puzzles? Can I go and brainwash the Smg4 crew now..?"

-"you may.."-puzzles said calmly and softly.he opened the portal with his remote for Tos.tos let go of puzzles and entered the portal.once Tos entered the portal,he saw nothing but a dimension with multiple TVs and there they were,the Smg4 crew all unconscious.tos had a remote with him,so he clicked a button and process of brainwashing the smg4 crew began.

Tos then entered the banned channels and he entered the one that he was able to design himself.he entered the channel and there was nothing but a white void.tos began designing the channel with his mind(since Tos is the second owner of the dimension.).there were a couple of TVs showing his favorite show that puzzles created:"war of the fat Italians 2023". There were some pictures and videos of puzzles in the void and Tos loved it,he felt like he was obsessed with puzzles but not in a Yandere way.tos wanted to explode from love for puzzles,but he didn't want to admit he loved him..once Tos finished making the void look a bit less empty,he returned back to reality.tos smiled when he saw puzzles again and he hugged him as puzzles hugged him back.tos smiled as he had an idea to kiss puzzles' cheek but tried to resist it.puzzles saw that and asked:

-"are you okay..?you look like you are trying to resist something.."

-"I can't tell you..,you'll hate me for what say.."-tos clearly had some sort of trauma regarding him confessing feeling to someone,he was really afraid by the look on his face..

-"no,no.thats can tell me anything.."

Tos smiled and went ahead and kissed puzzles on the cheek.puzzles blushed bright red as he held his cheek he was kissed on in a loving way.

Puzzles then smiled at Tos warmly and cuddled Tos tightly.tos' face lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas eve.tos wasn't sure if him and puzzles were a couple now...

(This is a chapter fot those who ship puzzles and Tos) (If you even do.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2024 ⏰

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