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"Harabeoji... please don't go"
Gong Yu talked to Jungkook alone,

"Everything should end here,  Sonja. The spirits must leave this world, that are not a part of this world anymore"

" But those spirits are so powerful Harabeoji,"
Gong Yu looked at him deep in his eyes..

" Sonja.. I want you to remember this, the only powerful in this world is the God from heaven. No one else, so don't be afraid .I'll come back-
Safe and sound"

Gong Yu pulled his grandson in a hug and Jk leaned on his grand father's chest, tapping him on his arms..

" I'll make you a hot tea, when you come back.. please take care Harabeoji, you know I love you so much!"

" I know Sonja, now keep going ! Your husband need you"
Jungkook nods and bowed before leaving.

Gong Yu put everything he needs in a bag-

" Harabeoji.."
It was Seokjin's soft and low voice
" I'm going with you.. I need to do this"
Gong Yu looked and stared at him without saying anything before  he nods and looked down..

" I'm expecting that Seokjin"
" Hoseok will come with us, Yoongi and Jenny will stay here to look out for Jk"
" That's a great plan"
Seokjin kneeled down Infront of him..

" Although I'm still afraid, I want to end everything for my husband's safety.. and i still want to see him after this Harabeoji"

Gong yu, stared at him..
" The only thing that can take us out here is-
Faith. Your faith in God."

Gong Yu gave him that red scarf..

" Don't ever take it away from you. It will protect you from the bad spirits "

" Jin?"
Jungkook came with a cup of tea.
Suddenly he heard them


Seokjin knows Jungkook doesn't want him to go ..

When Seokjin looked at him, Gong Yu stand up and excused himself..

"I'll wait for you outside Jin.. make it fast"
He glance at his grandson, signaling them to talk about it

They waited until  Gong Yu closed the door

"Please don't do this Jin.."
Jungkook begging, tears sparkling in his eyes. Seokjin just stand up and come to him, pulling his husband in a gentle hug..

"Trust me.. I'll come back-"
Jungkook cried on his shoulder,
"I'll be fine-'
" No"
He keep shaking his head weakly, Jin kissing him on his head
" Baby, please.. I promise "
"I know you're afraid.. I'm afraid too-
But I need to do this. To end everything, out fears will make them powerful. Baby.. For us"
Seokjin calmly trying to explain why he had to come and face them off, while silently praying Jungkook would understand and calmdown..
Eventually Jungkook stop crying but stayed on his embrace..

" Your love will keep shelter me, it's my greatest armour"

He lifted his husband's face, before softly kissing him..

"Just trust me.."
The younger gave up and nods in silence tears streaming down his face. Jin pulled him again in one last hug before going out of the room..

Jungkook run after him at the hallway and hug him tight
" Please take care! Promise me,!"

"I will"

"I love you Yeobo!"

"Baby.. I love you too, stay here until I come back"

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